Paul Bandelier’s latest project is a 1960 Continental Mark V. The Wikipedia entry confused me because it said the Mark V was made between 1977 and 1979. Car nerd that Paul is, he immediately provided the following explanation:
The 1956 Continental Mark II was it’s own unique car company that was supposed to capture the glamour of the 1940’s Continentals. The Mark II was the most expensive car in the world short of a certain Rolls Royce model.
After 1957 the Continental car company was liquidated and and for 1958 in an attempt to sell more cars the top of the line trim level was a Mark III. The same top tier trim level applied to the 1959 Mark IV and 1960 Mark V. This move may have sold a few more car but it also diluted the uniqueness of the 56/57 Mark II that was it’s own car company.
Fast forward to 1969. Lincoln says, we were just kidding about those big old 4 door boats being the exclusive Mark series. We’re going to start over and make the Mark series a unique 2 door personal luxury car again. Sooo in 69 we have the Mark III. That lasted until 71. In 72 there was a restyled Mark IV until the next body style change over and so on.

These photos don’t begin to capture the size of this monster. The seats are like large, living room sofas.

Paul shared another bit of trivia about these slanted rear windows but I can’t recall it.
I asked who might be a buyer for this baby when he gets it up to snuff and was surprised to learn the Scandinavian countries are the top market. For some reason, they love big old American cars.