
Over on the Order of the Fez blog we’re asking the Brotherhood to submit essays defining (describing?) that ineffable quality we call fezorocity. Here’s one graf from Dr. T. Everett Mobley:

“Some years ago, one of the numbers presented in a high school choir concert was a choral setting of Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky”. The director asked me to recite the poem for the audience before the choir sang.  Later, I was asked how long it took me to prepare.  I replied that there are those of us who have been waiting their whole lives for a chance to declaim “Jabberwocky,” and no additional preparation is necessary. Thus it is with fezorocity, yet it may be that this quality simply lies smoldering within you unrecognized, awaiting only enlightenment to quicken the spark.”

Interview: Jason Rodgers, Fez-o-rama

RogersWith one of his custom designed fezzes sitting comfortably on my head, I got Jason Rodgers on the Skype horn today to find out the story behind the fezmonger and Fez-o-rama.

Some are born to the fez, others are called. I believe Jason falls into the latter group. I was surprised –don’t ask me why– to learn that Jason is trained in fashion design and might have written a text book or two.

I asked him about celebrity clients, his favorite designs, The Cult of the Eye, his fictional partner, “Joe,” and ukuleles.

AUDIO: Interview with Jason Rogers 11 min MP3

Jason is the newest member of The Royal and Exalted Order of the Fez.

My very own Atomic Fez

Atomicfez200At long last I’m the proud owner of a Fez-o-Rama fez. And I was able to help out with a worthy cause at the same time. While my leopard skin fez makes me feel like the love child of Idi Amin and Sheena, Queen of the Jungle… it doesn’t approach the quality of workmanship of the Atomic Fez.

Fezmonger Jason even threw in an extra tassel (maroon) for formal occasions.

Sixteen years later: I’ve passed the Atomic Fez along to Barb’s nephew, Wes, who wears it with scholarly respect.

Atomic Fez for Life!

The boys at Fez-o-rama have strapped on their dance shoes for The 24 Hour Cancer Danceathon, an event to raise funds for the City of Hope for cancer treatments and research.


Toward that end, the Fezmonger has designed a special edition Atomic Fez and I placed my order today. You know I’ll post a photo here when mine comes off the line.

Order of the Fez #8: Howlin’ Hobbit

Hobbit100The ranks of the secret (some would say cult-like) Order of the Fez have swollen to eight with the induction  of Howlin’ Hobbit:

“Attached you will find a picture of me performing at The Pink Door in Seattle’s fabulous Pike Place Market. This was several years ago and I was part of the Lucky Devil Girly Show, a burlesque troupe.”

How could we refuse the application of someone that had been part of the Lucky Devil Girly Show? No way. Don’t miss the link to Howlin’s music.

West Coast Fez

Fez #7Bay Area buddy Jamie Nelson is the newest member of the Order of the Fez. Jamie might look familiar due to expensive (and painful) cosmetic surgery that allows him to pass for a young Larry David.

Jamie is thrilled “to be part of the fez-wearing, non-little-car-driving, elite” and is the first tassel-less member.

“I like the more stripped down, Istanbul “street” look: More stability in a strong breeze off the Hellespont.”

Jamie is the 7th (often regarded as a mystical and powerful number) member of The Order.

Monkey Fez

The Order of the Fez now has enough members to play ping pong doubles. Please rise and join me in recognizing David Brazeal, Order of the Fez #4:

“Hereby is submitted my application to the Order of the Fez. Thanks to ebay, I have obtained a fez from a monkey trainer in Tel Aviv.  It belonged to his dear, beloved macaque, Ahmed, who was recently crushed to death in a fruit stand accident.”