
The terms “algorithmic engagement” and “organic search” pertain to how content is delivered and discovered online, each involving distinct mechanisms:

Algorithmic Engagement: This concept refers to the use of algorithms by platforms—such as social media networks, streaming services, and news aggregators—to curate and present content tailored to individual users. These algorithms analyze user behavior, preferences, and interactions to prioritize content that is likely to engage the user. For instance, Facebook’s News Feed and Twitter’s timeline utilize algorithms to display posts that align with a user’s interests, aiming to enhance engagement and time spent on the platform. This approach can lead to personalized experiences but may also result in echo chambers or filter bubbles, where users are predominantly exposed to content that reinforces their existing views.

Organic Search: In contrast, organic search involves users actively seeking information by entering queries into search engines like Google or Bing. The search engine then returns a list of results ranked based on relevance to the query, as determined by complex algorithms considering factors such as keyword usage, content quality, and website authority. These results are unpaid and are often referred to as “natural” or “organic” results. Websites can improve their visibility in these results through search engine optimization (SEO) practices, which aim to align content with the ranking criteria of search engines. Unlike algorithmic engagement, organic search is driven by user intent and provides a broader range of information sources, potentially offering a more diverse perspective.

In summary, while algorithmic engagement involves platforms proactively presenting content based on user behavior to maximize engagement, organic search is a user-initiated process where individuals seek out information, with search engines delivering results based on relevance to the query.

The term “viral,” in the context of content rapidly spreading online, began gaining traction in the late 1990s. By 1999, it was notably used in reference to marketing strategies that leveraged the internet’s capacity for swift information dissemination. This usage drew parallels to the rapid spread of biological viruses, highlighting how certain content could quickly propagate across digital platforms.

The phrase “went viral” became more prevalent in the early 2000s, coinciding with the rise of social media platforms and video-sharing sites like YouTube. These platforms facilitated the rapid sharing and widespread reach of content, leading to the common use of “viral” to describe popular online phenomena.

Fez pics from Gnomedex 2008

The Order of the Fez was in full blossom in 2008 so my pal Jamie Nelson and I agreed to bring the sacred headgear to the Gnomedex geekfest that year. One of the attendees was a professional photographer and we have him to thank for these fine image.

Song of @fezmonger

Going for a bike ride and leaving the phone behind.
Keep the ratings up and don’t forget to roll
the credits when you’re through.

It is days like this that I wish
I had a café lifestyle
and not the sit in front of a computer
life I have today.

The train is running extra slow today.
Not a surprise considering
the rain tends to jack it up.
Gonna be a looong ride home.

This train is moving
a bit slower than I would like.
At this rate we won’t reach basecamp by tea time

And it begins again. I hope the train shows up soon
my cloud cover is breaking up
and it looks to be a hot day ahead

Sitting on the train platform in a warm LA night.
At least the smoke has cleared out…
I’ll be back here tomorrow

The damn couch keeps calling my name.
I’m trying to get something… hell anything, done today
but a nap sounds so very nice

The lines above were compiled from random tweets by Jason Rogers. No words were added or deleted. I did break lines as spirit moved. I hope someone with music in their soul can make this sing.

Paul Roe, British Ink

I jammed my way into some very crowded Metro cars to make my way down to M Street where Paul Roe [Fez #30], the owner of British Ink was taking part in an art exhibition called Artomatic. Paul was doing pre-session consultations while his colleague, Cynthia, hummed away on a guy’s right bicep. He squeezed me in for a chat and I even got to sit in the tattoo chair. The interview ran just under 12 minutes.

Fez of Hope

Barb and I bought some souvenirs from street vendors while attending the inauguration. I kept thinking, “What I really want is an Obama fez,” not that I expected to find one.

This weekend I reached out to the Fezmonger himself and asked if he had considered making a commemorative fez. He politely explained that he had, but decided it would be exploitative. Besides, every Fez-o-rama fez is an original design.

Before giving up, I suggested I could make a contribution to his favorite charity.  As luck would have it, March is when the Fezmonger participates in the 24 Hour Cancer Dance-a-thon to raise money for the City of Hope.

So for a contribution of $250 to a very worthy cause, I am the proud recipient of the very first Fez of Hope. (see photo). I like that Jason’s (treatment of the) design is bigger than the man. His design is more about what our new president represents.

Suffering from latent anglophilia

“An Anglophile is a person who is fond of English culture and England in general. In some cases, anglophilia represents an individual’s preference for English culture over their own; the belief that English culture is superior; or an appreciation of English history. American anglophiles will often use English spellings, such as ‘colour’ instead of ‘color’, ‘favourite’ instead of ‘favorite’, ‘centre’ instead of ‘center’, and ‘realise’ instead of ‘realize’. (Wikipedia)

I love getting email from Keith Povall, author of Sturdy Soapbox. But I really wish he’d send me an MP3 file instead, so I could enjoy what I’m certain is a charming accent. Same goes for Phil Powell and James Smith, charter members of the Order of the Fez. I’d love to hear those lads read the back of a cereal box.

The newest members of the OOTF are John, Andy and Clive (Clive! How perfect is that?). They’re in a band I think. Brits all, but I’ve never heard their voices.

If you’re reading this, mates… how about recording a little something and sending it along. I don’t care what. I just want to hear that music that is the Queen’s English (or whatever you happen to speak). You can reach me at

The Tribal Fez

Seth Godin defines a "tribe" as: "a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate."

One my favorite tribes is The Order of the Fez. A short bus full men who like to wear fezzes. We communicate via blog and email. The notion of a "leader" is somewhat antithetical to fezorocity (our defining Force), but since I maintain the blog I perform that role as needed. More of a recording secretary.

This weekend two of our members sent a music video that nicely captures what the OOTF is about.

Taisir Yanis, Fez #16

انه في حين كان رأينا منذ اكثر من الدخان الابيض معبد فاس. حتى رفع رباعية لقطة Espresso ونرحب فاس # 16 ، taisir yanis. Taisir هو المالك / المالك وسوء الحمار barista من البن في المنطقة ، على مادة الكافيين في نقطة الصفر جيفرسون سيتي ، ميسوري. منزل fezzes # 14 ، 6 # # 1 و. Taisir كتابي من اللغة الانجليزيه هي… متشكك ، ولذا فاننا video’d التماسه للاستحقاق. جميلة نحن على يقين من انه يتحدث العربية ولكنه سوف يكون خلال ايام قليلة علينا قبل ان تحصل على النسخ. ولكن نظرا للطريقة التي تسير الامور ، نحن حظيت باهتمام انه قد يكون من المفيد ان يكون ليتحدث العربية الأعضاء في النظام. انا انفاق المزيد من الوقت مع نوعية taisir من طرف زوجتي حتى بوسعي ان اشهد على الجداره. انضم لي ان ارحب taisir الى النظام الملكي وتعالى من فاس. يمكنك استخدام التعليق على الوصله ادناه او البريد الالكتروني في taisir [Video]

Fez of July Webcast Special


Brother George (Fez #14) and I will fire up the webcam for an hour this Friday morning, webcasting from the Coffee Zone in downtown Jefferson City. Should be lots of traffic in the Zone along with colorful carny folk and swarms of strangely dressed Americans celebrating Independence Day.

We’ll get started around 9 a.m. Central. Join us if you can.