New Michael Connelly character

Michael Connelly introduces a new cop relentlessly following his mission in the seemingly idyllic setting of Catalina Island.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Detective Stilwell has been “exiled” to a low-key post policing rustic Catalina Island, after department politics drove him off a homicide desk on the mainland. But while following up the usual drunk-and-disorderlies and petty thefts that come with his new territory, Detective Stilwell gets a report of a body found wrapped in plastic and weighed down at the bottom of the harbor. Crossing all lines of protocol and jurisdiction, he starts doggedly working the case. Soon, his investigation uncovers closely guarded secrets and a dark heart to the serene island that was meant to be his escape from the evils of the big city.

Nightshade will be released on May 20, 2025

“A Ballad and Bosch Novel”

Just finished the latest Harry Bosch novel (Dark Sacred Night) but but we really can’t call it that. Right there on the cover it says “A Ballad and Bosch Novel.” In 2017 author Michael Connelly introduced the character Renee Ballard in The Late Show and she gets equal billing with Harry in the new book.

In the previous novel (Two Kinds of Truth) Harry was getting on in years. 68 by my count. In this latest story, Renee does some of the more physical stuff it would be difficult to imagine someone Harry’s age doing. He must be getting close to the big seven-oh.

This seems like a real challenge for an author with a beloved character that’s been around for a lot of years. Lucas Davenport — the main guy in John Sanford’s Prey series — is getting on in years but Sandford gave us Virgil Flowers some years ago and he could bring Kidd out of mothballs. I try not to think about how old Lucas Davenport is for the same reason I don’t think about how old my dog is. I don’t want to know.

The late Sue Grafton froze Kinsey Millhone in the 80s but that ruled out tech like mobile phones and personal computers. I much prefer Connelly’s (and Sandford’s) approach: let the characters age. Teaming Renee and Harry in this new book worked for me. They make a good team.

The Late Show by Michael Connelly

Fans of the Harry Bosch detective series will, I believe, be well pleased with Michael Connelly’s new character/series. Just finished The Late Show (introducing LAPD detective Renee Ballard) and could not put the book down. (It’s not a cliche when it’s true.)

Harry Bosch was born in 1950 so he’d be 67 years old in any story set in 2017. Too old for the situations Connelly creates for Harry. Freezing Harry at, say, 47 years old puts the story back in the late ‘90s. Before a lot of tech that could/should figure in most crime fiction.

Sue Grafton long ago made the decision to keep Kinsey Millhone forever in the 80s. No cell phones or computers (that I recall).

In this new series, we get a female cop who knows her way around an iPhone and summons Uber when she needs a ride. Feels right.

Something else I noticed off the bat. In physical encounters with bad guys, there’s a threatening tension that didn’t exist for Harry. While Harry can pretty much kick anybody’s ass, Renee is tough and fit but no match for a bad guy that has a hundred pounds on her.

Connelly lets this new character have some sexuality, too. Harry got laid from time to time, but it’s different (and interesting, plot-wise) for a female character.

If you like the Bosch novels you won’t be disappointed by this first in a new series.

Some spoilers in this excellent review in the L. A. Times but for those that have already read the book, a good piece.

“I didn’t freeze Harry in time, because it’s better storytelling not to. As long as he can keep his health and his knees are good, he can close cases.” Nonetheless, at 67, Bosch presents readers of the redoubtable series with a different kind of ticking clock.


New Harry Bosch novel in November

“Michael Connelly will publish the next installment in the Bosch series (untitled as of now) on Nov. 7, 2017, and will introduce the world to the new Renée Ballard series kicking off with The Late Show on July 18, 2017, Little, Brown, and Company announced Tuesday.”

“The Late Show‘s Renée Ballard, Connelly’s first new protagonist in 10 years, is a young detective for the LAPD who has been stuck on the night shift in Hollywood after filing a sexual harassment complaint against her supervisor. Given the nature of the job, she can never finish a case and must hand each project to the day shift detectives when the night ends. But everything changes when she finds two cases of violence against women that she refuses to part with.”

Entertainment Weekly

Review: Wrong Side of Goodbye

screen-shot-2016-12-04-at-12-08-18-pm“Each of Michael Connelly’s Harry Bosch books has a way of referring to earlier ones in the series, as when his latest, “The Wrong Side of Goodbye,” brings up something about a plastic surgeon. That surgeon figured in “The Crossing,” one of the series’s better recent installments. And it came out only a year ago. Still, I had to look it up, because the characters aren’t what make Mr. Connelly’s books worthwhile. The classic mystery plotting and streamlined storytelling are what render him so readable.”

Review of latest Harry Bosch novel (Wrong Side of Goodbye)