Tag Archives: Henry Domke
Bald Eagle
“It’s cold out, but with clear skies and no wind, it’s a great day for a walk. Spotted a Bald Eagle perched by the edge of Potter’s Lake.” — Henry Domke
AI podcast about Prairie Garden Trust
My friend Henry shared this 4 minute podcast about the Prairie Garden Trust. Don’t know the particulars but it was created by an AI tool called NotebookLM.
Not sure what prompts were used to create this but it is uncanny (strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way). Does it matter –will anybody care– that this is a bot talking about the PGT? Less and less, I suspect, as time passes. It was almost 20 years ago that Henry and I produced a podcast called Living Healthy. I choose to believe a listener would be able to tell the difference. For the time being.
Prairie Garden Trust (Fall 2023)
Yesterday was a perfect fall day for a walk on the prairie with my good friend Henry.
Henry is a professional photographer and the one human on the planet that can take a flattering photo of this reporter. (Yes, those are my real ears)
Prairie Walk: Summer 2022
Joined Henry Domke for a walk on the Prairie Garden Trust this morning. I could have taken a hundred photos like these but there was lots to talk about.
Off-road on the PGT
There are some beautiful places in Missouri but one of my favorites is the Prairie Garden Trust, managed by my friend Henry and his wife Lorna. I’ve posted about it here many times.
Henry and I usually walk but today we took the Land Rover. (The hot, dry summer made it safe to drive on the prairie without leaving ruts.) Henry took us to some spots where we got to engage the four-wheel drive (low range!) and the truck performed beautifully.
Land Rover glam shots by Henry Domke
Photo by Henry Domke (Prisma filter)
Prairie Garden Trust – Spring 2018
Nice walk with Henry — and new pup, Katy — this morning. The bird song was gloriously deafening.