Tag Archives: GIF
Animated GIFs
Nick Charles blowing smoke rings
I’ve made a few animated GIFs over the years but never created one form a video, which seems to be all the rage these days. But when I saw Nick Charles blowing smoke rings in The Thin Man (1934), I thought I’d try my hand.
Stay Asleep
“Stay Asleep,” a GIF by illustrator TAO-B, based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Follow the ball
“Zero TV” households
That’s what Nielson calls folks who “fall outside the traditional definition of a TV home. There are 5 million of these residences in the U.S., up from 2 million in 2007. […] The number of people signing up for traditional TV service has slowed to a standstill in the U.S.”
And then there are the “cord-nevers.” Young people who move out on their own and never set up a landline phone connection or a TV subscription.
Not sure who the artist is. Followed links back to: