Tag Archives: drones
Drone gives eagle-eye view of players
“University of Tennessee coach Butch Jones wanted to get an eagle-eye view of his players but apparently didn’t have the resources to spend it on the kinds of expensive, cable-suspended Skycam equipment used by broadcasters. Instead, he sent up a drone, in what appears to be the first – or one of the first — uses of unmanned aerial vehicles in college football.” – TechCrunch
New Predator Mission in MO
News release from office of Congressman Ike Skelton (D-Mo.):
“A new mission will bring 280 military and civilian personnel to Whiteman Air Force Base. The new MQ-1 Remote Split Operation squadron and ground control station at Whiteman Air Force Base, from which pilots will control MQ-1 Predator drone aircraft, is expected to be operational by February 2011.”
Here’s some wikipedia info on the MQ-1 Predator. I assume this means the men and women at Whiteman AFB will have their hands on the joy sticks controlling the birds (which cost 4.5 million dollars each) around the world.
Scott Adams on Best and Worst Jobs
Scott Adams finds it interesting that the guy with the best job in the world gets to blow up the guy with the worst job in the world.
“I have to think that the guy who fired the rocket by remote control loves his job. I have an image of him sitting in an air conditioned headquarters someplace, feet up on the desk, a bag of Cheetohs on one side, a Budweiser on the other, staring at his computer screen. It’s about 1 am and everyone else is asleep. The order comes through on e-mail saying something like “Blow up mud hut #4,7855.” So he takes a break from playing Doom and plugs that number into the GPS system and soon his drone is hovering over said mud hut, missiles ready to go.”
Let’s add Scott Adams to the short list of people I’d like to drink beer with after work.