Horsing around on the front porch

Blane, Evelyn and Steve (and Pierre?) goofing on the front porch at 500 Walter Street, Kennett, MO. Date unknown.

Last of the Mays Boys

It was a family weekend for smays.com. My brother Blane is back in the states for a few weeks to get his second oldest son, Spencer, officially enrolled in college. He’ll be attending Liberty University in Lynchberg, VA. (I’m pretty sure they don’t know there’s a flaming lefty in the family)

Oldest son Ryan –a junior at Union University– drove over from Tennnesse and we all met up in Tulsa. The brothers hadn’t seen each other in a year-and-a-half so they had some catching up to do. [L-R: Ryan, Blane, Spencer]

I handed down my 15″ MacBook to Spencer as a graduation present and he immediately loaded Skype so he could talk with his sweetie back in Indonesia. I know they whispered sweet nothings for 90 minutes at one stretch, which would have been one expensive phone call. But those days are gone now.

It was miserably hot in Tulsa and the traffic was like nothing I’ve seen in a while. Bumper-to-bumper for as far as you could see.

During our time together, my brother pointed out that we were “the last of the Mays line.” At least our strain. And since Blane and I won’t be making any more humans, it will be up to Ryan and Spencer to keep the name in lights.

And it’s wonderful to be home again.

Early Christmas gift

Just back from an all-too-short visit with my brother and his family. In a few days the family –all but new college freshman Ryan– heads home to Indonesia. Probably won’t see my brother again for almost four years.

We exchanged gifts and I maintained my position as the goofy uncle who comes through with cool gifts (or cash). My sister-in-law Tonya gave me this framed photo (of my brother and me). I don’t remember her taking the photo (during a visit this summer), but I love it.

blane_steveIt reminds me that money cannot purchase the best gifts. They require time and effort and love.

Lord knows there are no shortage of photos of smays.com. I’ve taken lots myself. But the the ones I like most have always been taken by someone else. And almost always without my knowledge.

Perhaps what I like about these images is they capture the me that isn’t “on,” mugging for the camera. Posing. No way to take such an honest photo of yourself.

Thank you, Tonya. I will treasure this gift.

Tulsa Bound

Off the grid for a few days starting Friday. Heading down to Tulsa for family time with Brother Blane. My nephew Ryan will be home from Union University (Jackson, TN) where he’s a freshman. Ryan and his brother and sister grew up in Indonesia and were home schooled. I’m eager to hear his thoughts on college life. If his Facebook page is any indication, he’s having a great time.

I’m not taking the MacBook on this trip so the blog will be dark for a few days (unless Ryan takes pity on me).

Big undersea quake hits Indonesia

Reuters: A powerful undersea earthquake has hit Indonesia’s West Java island. No tsunami warning (yet) and no immediate reports of damage or casualties. There has been some panic (no shit). The Indonesian quake watchers measured 7.0, while the U.S. geological survey said 7.4.


The quake struck 46 miles northwest of Indramayu and could be felt by residents in the capital Jakarta, as well as in the nearby city of Bandung (X marks the spot), which is where brother Blane & Family live. Still waiting to hear.

Update: Better map.

Update: 10:23 p.m. Just got email from Blane. "What earthquake?" That’s my baby brother.

23+ hours in the air

It took me 5-6 hours to drive from Jefferson City to Nashville and less than 4 hours from Nashville to Knoxville [blue line]. I was feeling noble for making the drive to see my brother…until he related his flight.

Bandar Lampung (Indonesia) to Jakarta – 30 min
Jakarta to Singapore – 90 min
Singapore to Tokyo – 7 hours
Tokyo to Detroit – 11 hours
Detroit to Knoxville – 1 hour and change [larger image]

He’s been doing this for years and usually with three kids in tow. He’s a hard guy to rattle. And if you need to know how to bribe a corrupt third-world customs official, he’s your guy. I’m just hoping I can find my way back to Jefferson City.


I spent a few days with my brother and his family last week. They’re home for a six month furlough and it’s been more than two years since I saw them. We assembled a basketball goal and caught up on (too many) missed birthdays. Basketball (my eyes tell the story) has become a traditional part of each visit and I fear the next time we play, Blane (47) and I (57) will no longer prevail over Ryan (15) and Spencer (13). More to come on the visit.