Thirty years of election coverage

The first election covered by The Missourinet (a network owned by the company I work for) was in 1976. News Director Bob Priddy orchestrated that first election night and every one since. Prior to The Missourinet, radio stations throughout the state focused on local races and relied on the wire services for news and numbers from throughout the state.

The Missourinet brought the sounds of election night from the state capitol and campaign headquarters throughout Missouri to the hometown audiences of our affiliates.

The technology has changed… and is changing… but insight and understanding Missourinet reporters bring to their election night coverage remains the focus of their reporting. Bob reflects on the past 30 years in this 10 minute video.

New Learfield Sports Ops Center

I’ve posted a few times about the year-long renovation project that’s been underway where I work. Big push to have the new Sports Operations Center ready by the first football weekend (September 3, 2005) and they made it.

I stopped by with my camcorder. Once they get this thing fully tweaked, they’ll bring in a professional and really capture just how nice this facility is. Until then, here’s a little taste (6 min, 14 meg, wmv). If you have any trouble watching this, drop me a line.

Game Day (2003)

I spent most of Saturday doing something I’ve wanted to do for years. I shot some video of “game day” at Learfield Communications.

Our company produces the radio broadcasts (some TV?) for many of the top colleges in the country. Play-by-play crews feed back the game broadcasts to Jefferson City where some very hard working folks mush it all together and send it (via satellite) to radio stations throughout the country. Mega-stress. Give me a few days to edit the video and I’ll post something here. My little project will fall far short of capturing what it’s really like on a Saturday. You gotta be there.

Derry Brownfield Show Trailer

I’ve spent most of my evenings for the past couple of weeks working on my first video project. The hardwarde (Sony) and software (Studio 8) have gotten so good and so affordable, I had to take the plunge. I decided I needed a practice project that would hold my interest while allowing me to make countless mistakes. The result is an 18 minute piece on The Derry Brownfield Show, a daily, one-hour talk show heard on 80+ radio stations. Documentary is too grand a word but my objective was to give listeners a peek into the studio. Lots of places to make mistakes: lighting, sound, composition. Once I get the basics in hand, I’ll try something a bit more creative. These buggers are too large for downloading but I’ve made a little 60 second trailer.