Almost (not quite) house broken. Sleeping through the night. Chewing the shit out of everything. And Lucy (5 year old Golden) is ready to play.
Category Archives: YouTube
Hattie (7 weeks)
Stills are a little challenging since Hattie is a blur of motion, so here’s a minute of video. Lucy (5+ years) is still unsure about this interloper.
Lucy: Red Ball
Golden Retriever with human hands
I’m sure I’ll grow tired of these eventually, but not yet. [Thanks, George N]
Slow motion video of dogs leaping for treats
If dogs had thumbs they would enslave us
Lucy and Ripley enjoy the snow
Our two Golden Retrievers love the snow. Lucy, the younger dog, cannot contain her excitement .
iMovie vs. Studio 9
I created a little video this afternoon, primarily to get some experience with Apple’s iMovie (on the MacBook). I’ve been using Pinnacle’s Studio 9 (Windows) for a few years and like it a lot. And I’m comfortable with it. And I can’t say the same for iMovie (Mac) so this really wasn’t a fair comparison.
Having said all of that, I find that I can do more with Studio 9. There are probably features in iMovie that I haven’t discovered yet. But my sense is that iMovie is great for making a little DVD of the Easter Egg Hunt or some after-work fetch with your pups (below), but if you want to do much more than a title, some transitions and a music bed… you’ll want something a little more feature-rich. Which I find Studio 9 to be.
But like I said, I’m just groping around here. The video runs 14 minutes and the file is a hefty 21 meg. I optimized for very small screen (about the size of the image to the right). If you expand this to full screen it will look like shit. Keep it small for best results.