Category Archives: YouTube
Leaping Slow Motion Dogs
Lucy and Hattie: Morning Play
Lucy and Hattie: Morning Play
Lucy Stink Eye
Back yard from the deck
About half a minute shot on the iPhone from the deck. Still amazed at the quality of audio with the iPhone’s tiny mic.
Snow Dogs
Barb took the dogs out a few times to play in the snow and as you can see from her video, they love it. Here’s Hattie with her beloved blue ball.
Useful dog tricks
Hattie visits the dog park
Yes, more puppy porn. I warned you some weeks back. We took Lucy and Hattie to the dog park yesterday to enjoy some leashless freedom. She made some new friends (Z, Chopper, Tara, Jazzie) and had a grand time. Life is good off the leash.
Lucy & Hattie playing
For some reason Lucy does not recognize the iPhone as a camera. No way to get these moments with the Casio. It is… invigorating… to be in the same room with such distilled, existential joy.