More Stella joy on her YouTube channel.
Category Archives: YouTube
Honey the Golden Retriever
Hattie loves the Rover
When I leave it parked in the driveway, she will sit by the truck to make it clear she wants to go for a ride. This is our ritual end-of-day drive.
Who wants to go for a ride? (WOOF!)
Dana the Garage Dog
We’ll never know for sure but I’m pretty sure Dana is smarter than most people I know. Her human, Dan, has a shop next to Mr. Wolf and while we stood talking outside, Dana retrieved a toy and insisted on playing. We did this for a solid 15 minutes.
Dogs playlist
Just a dozen videos in this playlist (see link top-left corner). Thought there was more.
Pooper: Never pick up your dog’s poop again
My first thought was… hoax. But this looks like a real thing. (So don’t tell me there are no jobs out there to be had.) With two big Goldens, picking up poop is a daily ritual for me. One that I enjoy. I have good tools and a little plastic bucket. One swing around the yard and I have made the world a better place.
But paying someone to pick up my dog’s shit? No. Wrong. If you’re not willing to pick up Fido’s load, you don’t deserve to have a dog. The end.
Dog eating at table (Please pass the rancid squirrel)
Dog Spa
Lucy: Red Ball
Lucy’s favorite thing in the world. If we even say the words, “Red Ball” she springs into action. So we started saying, “RB” but she quickly made the association. I know of nothing more satisfying than playing fetch with this loving creature.