Riley on the treadmill

Until we get Riley fitted for her Invisible Fence collar (next week?) she goes out on a leash which means she can’t really run around to burn off her puppy energy. Barb has been training her to walk on the treadmill to get some exercise. She’s getting the hang of it but I’m not seeing puppy joy on her face.


Riley is home. She and Hattie got along great, right out of the chute. More photos tomorrow.

Riley litter: Five weeks

We don’t know which one is “Riley” yet because the breeder picks which puppy goes to which family. A first for us but probably makes more sense than trying to pick from sixteen equally adorable puppies. We got our first look (and touch) today at the “puppy party” the breeder threw for the new families.

Easy Lemon 60 Second by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: