Audigo Microphone

I’ve been using the Audix USB 12 microphone to record the audio for videos for a long time. Ten years? Sounds good but keeps me tethered to my MacBook which hasn’t been an issue for most of my stuff. But, occasionally, I’ve thought it would be fun to put the video camera (laptop or iPhone) further away. But then the audio suffers.

The first video below is a demo of the Audigo Microphone and app. The short video below that is my attempt to show the difference audio quality. Eager to try this out with a new uke song.

UPDATE: Sample (:50) off video recorded from across the room with audio from the Audigo mic.

Wildlife: Deer

Our resident chipmunk has been Riley’s Great White Whale and it’s been a lonely chase. Until now.

In a previous post I expressed some concern about the fate of momma deer. Hadn’t seen her in a while. This is her sauntering across the road in front of our house. And I believe she has started using the hiking trail.