Category Archives: Video (misc)
Jessie comes home
We brought Jessie home today and we are once again a two-dog-family. It feels good.
She quickly found her way to Riley’s toy basket and checked out the precious green rope.
She peed on the floor a few times but that’s part of having a new puppy. But that first poop? Outside!
Riley was a little uncertain about having another dog in the house but within the first hour or so she was trying desperately to show Jessie how to play “chase.”
A full day and as regular readers (hah!) know, dogs have couch privileges in our house.
That moment when your realize you made the wrong decision
Invisible Fence
For many years we’ve had an Invisible Fence surrounding our yard (and a bit more). We managed to cut that wire while digging the new well. Today Edward came out to repair the fence so it was a good time to reposition a little to avoid similar issues in the future. Edward’s trenching gizmo made quick work of it.
Why you need two dogs
You ‘look’ like a dog but you don’t ‘smell’ like a dog
Two good things about winter
Riley’s first snow
Riley on the treadmill
Until we get Riley fitted for her Invisible Fence collar (next week?) she goes out on a leash which means she can’t really run around to burn off her puppy energy. Barb has been training her to walk on the treadmill to get some exercise. She’s getting the hang of it but I’m not seeing puppy joy on her face.