I grew up in “Tornado Alley” (southeast Missouri) and saw lots of them. But you don’t see them in hilly river towns like Jefferson City, Missouri. Until you do. A three square mile section of JC got hammered last night, including my friend George Tergin. Don’t have a lot of info but it sounds like it destroyed his shop and his storage units.
One of which contained the hardtop for my Land Rover. Looks like it might be scuffed up and a little bent but it’s still there. Stay tuned.
UPDATE (5/23/19): George Kopp and I visited what was once 54 Store More this afternoon. Won’t try to describe it. The hardtop to my truck was balanced precariously on a table at the back of the unit. Were it to topple off it would surely have done more damage so we eased it down to the floor and will complete the rescue when we’re allowed back in.
Thanks to the ginormus bed on my pickup, I think we’ll be able to use that to transport to a body shop. Got a feeling those guys will be busy for a while but I’ve got all summer to get her fixed.
UPDATE (5/24/19): The hardtop has been rescued. Andrew and George did the heavy lifting but we got it in the pickup and safely home. Have the summer to make repairs.