Look for an exit, I gotta pee!

HighwaysignsMy friend Kay shares Barb’s knack for picking really good cards. She points out this one features three lanes and that she and I are in the middle. We left our idealism a couple of rest stops back. And we’re not ready to think of ourselves as bitter.

Had she designed the card, she would have put Idealistic Youth in the left land –the fast lane– and Bitter Old People in the right lane where they could drive for miles and miles with their turn signal on.

Learn how to be a cigarette-safe kid

President Bush is proud to present, in cooperation with the Flammable Pleasures division of RJ Reynolds, vital and wholly accurate information that can make YOU a CIGARETTE-SAFE KID!

  1. Keep Cigarettes Safe from Water! Water causes wetness, and wetness can keep your cigarettes from properly igniting and efficiently delivering scientifically calibrated doses of totally non-addictive nicotine into those sticky little air sacks way at the bottom of your lungs!
  2. Bedtime Smoking Smarts! After bedtime prayers, nothing relaxes like a cool drag from a hot Winston (brand) cigarette.
  3. Keep Cigarettes Safe from Breaking! A sturdy and stylish cigarette case is what all the cool kids have!
  4. Let the Buyer Beware! When choosing an adult to ask to buy you cigarettes at a cruelly authoritarian, liberal-managed convenience store that won’t sell tobacco to persons under 18, make certain never to speak to anyone who looks like s/he might be on the Federal welfare rolls – they will steal your cigarettes, leaving you craving (in a purely nonaddictive way) a smoke ! !
  5. Remember: Fresh = Tasty! Never forget that an important part of the exclusive appeal of cigarettes is their highly perishable nature; they stay smokably fresh for only three to four hours after their cellophane seal is broken.
  6. Keep it Clean! If your preferred brand is filterless, your fingers and teeth may become pleasantly discolored by stubborn, yet fashionable nicotine stains.
  7. Smoke Right, Smoke Safe! As you get older, the way you hold your cigarette will become increasingly important.

[Thanks, Angela]

Cool Tattoos

Thanks to a fascinating new technique you can cover yourself in body art and no one will be the wiser, unless they see you in the dark, which is the only time these tattoos are visible.

The new technique uses blacklight reactive ink, which is reactive to UV light. [The Cool Hunter]

Doc Searls: What’s Around the Bend?

Doc Searls is on a panel (Public Media 2008) titled Technology and Trends: What’s Around the Bend? From his list of ten, here are three I found interesting:

  • Cell phones will be the new radios and televisions. This will start to happen in a big way the minute Apple opens its iPhones to independent developers of native applications (rather than just ones that run in a browser).
  • Websites will become as inadequate as transmitters. That is, both will remain necessary but insufficient means for reaching listeners and viewers, and for relating to them. “Live Web” methods such as streaming, file sharing, social networking and “rivers of news” will all play roles as well.
  • Archives will be the ultimate killer kontent. Stations and networks will come to value not only their own archives, but will work to make those archives as easy as possible to find, consume and otherwise use — and to open CRM systems for VRM tools to make it as easy as possible for listeners and viewers to voluntarily pay for the privilege. Bigger inventory, bigger income.

I couldn’t begin to guess the number of hours I’ve spent archiving material (I think Doc hates the term “content”). MissouriDeathRow.com; Legislature.com; Missouri Supreme Court oral arguments; and –once upon a time– Missouri State Highway Patrol accident reports. We saved damn near everything but I can’t say that I noticed a huge appetite for that archived material and I was never smart enough to make any serious money with it. But we’ve got it.

My very own Atomic Fez

Atomicfez200At long last I’m the proud owner of a Fez-o-Rama fez. And I was able to help out with a worthy cause at the same time. While my leopard skin fez makes me feel like the love child of Idi Amin and Sheena, Queen of the Jungle… it doesn’t approach the quality of workmanship of the Atomic Fez.

Fezmonger Jason even threw in an extra tassel (maroon) for formal occasions.

Sixteen years later: I’ve passed the Atomic Fez along to Barb’s nephew, Wes, who wears it with scholarly respect.

Balloon man visits nursing home

Balloon artist Addi Somekh creates balloon art at a nursing home. I have nothing but admiration for people who give their time and talent in this way. I spent some time in a nursing home with my pop and there’s precious little to smile about. If the Balloon Man ever comes to visit me at the Home for Retired Bloggers, I would like a huge pink penis hat.