Hanging out with Dave. And Dave.

This is the first Google Hangout I’ve actually enjoyed. Previous efforts were about learning the tools (I still need to work on that). This was a chance to shoot the shit with a couple of guys I find interesting and funny. I picked the radio topic just to get us started.

Had no idea it would run 45 minutes but that’s okay because we don’t expect anyone to actually watch this. David Brazeal left a perfectly good job to follow his passion. Dave Morris has been self-employed for years.

Moving mulch

The Mulch Fairy visited my house this morning and left these two piles. Barb recently had some landscaping done and this is the culmination. She and a dozen gal pals are in Destin for a week and she expects this mulch to be… whatever you do with mulch… by the time she returns.

Knowing me as well as she does, she has hired some big strong lads to do what needs to be done, which –I assume– involves the red wheelbarrow thing you see peeking up from behind Mount Backache. Just so you know, if I choose to.

Concrete Man (Director’s Cut)

Clarence Lee Sherrill and Crista Meyer sell concrete lawn ornaments. Their business is called Concrete Castings and they’re located on I-55 just north of Cape Girardeau, MO. I have a strange fascination with “yard art” and decided to scratch the itch on a recent trip down south.

Clarence and Crista work in a small, cluttered room heated by a big wood stove and covered in cement dust. Gazing in a large window was a magnificent peacock. I didn’t see Miss C, the camel that’s usually in a pen out front, and Clarence explained she was “visiting her boyfriend” but would return in a few days. Gotta be tough to breed camels in this country.

On a technical note, I shot the video with the Casio Exilim FC100, but the battery went dead on me. So I recorded a few minutes of audio on the iPhone and dropped in some stills. You’ll notice the change in audio quality.