Category Archives: YouTube
Bad Lip Reading: White House Press Briefing
Hadn’t watched one of these in a while because I found I was unable to tell the real stuff from the parody stuff. But they haven’t lost their touch.
Buying your first Land Rover
“Your first Land Rover is your worst Land Rover.” This is probably the best video I’ve watched since the project began. Great advice, beautifully delivered, while holding a raccoon in his lap.
Teaching Chinese
One morning I noticed a gentleman sitting on the other side of the coffee shop flipping through a big stack of 3×5 cards. It was obvious he was using them as flash cards so I took a peek and saw what I assumed were Chinese characters (pictographs?) I introduced myself and asked about the cards.
The man’s name is Landis Duffett and he teaches languages at one of the local high schools. Beginning this fall he will teach a couple of sections of Chinese and he’s using the cards to get ready.
A couple of days ago we chatted for a bit about how he got interested in teaching Chinese; how the language differs from others (Spanish, French, Germans, etc); and the growing influence of China in all areas. The video runs just over six minutes.
Dana the Garage Dog
We’ll never know for sure but I’m pretty sure Dana is smarter than most people I know. Her human, Dan, has a shop next to Mr. Wolf and while we stood talking outside, Dana retrieved a toy and insisted on playing. We did this for a solid 15 minutes.
Serious Off-Roading
Mr. Wolf stopped by to visit the Land Rover on Friday. There was a time when we thought the truck would be done by September 2017. What is that, nine months ago? Like everything else with this project, the engine swap has been plagued with problems. There’s a chance the work could be complete by the time I arrive in San Francisco next Friday but I wouldn’t bet the farm.
I’ve confided to friends that my enthusiasm for this project has… waned. We can only hope that returns when I get the truck. But it’s a nice, first-world kind of problem. On a more positive note, Mr. Wolf took his Mercedes Benz Unimog off-roading last week (Fordyce Creek in the Tahoe National Forest) and shares this exceptional video.
Time-lapse of 200 High Street demolition
ICON: “Functional sculptures built to last decades”
Jay Parks – Drummer
Jay Parks drums for the sheer joy of it. Most afternoons he can be found sitting in his truck (waiting to pick up his wife when she gets off work) drumming along with tunes on local radio stations. He was kind enough to let me record a minute or two. I don’t think Under the Boardwalk by the Drifters would have been his first choice but he’s a trooper. As I drove away I could hear him keeping time to Ike and Tina’s Proud Mary.
I recorded this video back in 2012 and would have sworn I posted here but I can’t find it.
ScreenFlow animation tools
ScreenFlow started as a screen capture tool but morphed into a full-featured video editing app. This morning I’ve been fooling around with the animation tools.