Podcasts on your BlackBerry

A company called QuickPlay has come up with a way to stream podcasts directly from a central server, instead of downloading and storing on space-limited memory cards. They say they have lined up some high-profile content providers, ranging from ABC News to the Wall Street Journal. The service is available immediately for $8 per month and requires an existing BlackBerry connected to a cellular provider’s data plan.

It’s going to get easier and easier to watch/listen stuff on portable devices. Once that happens, I think we’ll stop using the term podcast.

Voice recording on the iPod nano

One of my rationalizations for buying a new iPod nano was the Voice Memo feature. Plug a mic in and record directly to the iPod. I had no idea how well this would work until tonight when I plugged in a tiny little mic called the iTalk Pro from Griffin Technology.

Pops into the bottom of the iPod and records in mono or stereo. The interface on the iPod is a wonder of simple design.

I’ll let you decide on the quality but I can certainly imagine recording an interview with this delightful little gadget. And I’ve always got the nano with me anyway, so…

ESPN launches local podcast network

ESPN is launching a local podcasting network. Sounds like they’re starting with shows from their five owned-and-operated stations while inviting affiliates to be part of the podcast network.

For more than a year, ESPN has been offering about 20 podcasts of national ESPN programming through PodCenter and selling advertisers two spots, one 15-second spot rolling prior to the content and a 30-second post-content spot. The new local podcasting network provides advertisers the opportunity to buy a local podcasting network or target individual markets or regions. Participating affiliates will get a share of the network revenue sold.

The local stations could (and may be) podcasting on their own but I have to believe this approach (whole greater than sum of parts) makes sense. Once clearance becomes a non-issue, there might be an explosion of such podcast networks. [Mediaweek via Radio and Records]

BBC looking for podcasters

BBCThe BBC is recruiting podcasters to help cover the US mid-term elections. They’re looking for:

  • Personal views of the race from people with an interesting perspective (perhaps you are a recent immigrant or an Iraq vet for example)
  • Bloggers, podcasters and vloggers who are covering their local race.
  • Anyone with a real interest in local politics and an ability to tell the story of the race in their town and state.
  • People from overseas with a real stake in the result.

The BBC blog post suggests some ways to contribute:

  • Phone or skype interviews
  • Emailing us an audio report
  • Emailing a short written report that we can read on air
  • Pointing us to a blog, podcast or vlog you’ve made covering the election.
  • Point us to a story you think we should be covering

The BBC says that “by enlisting your help we’ll have coverage that isn’t just about pundits and experts but gives us a real flavour of what the race is like for ordinary Americans that cuts through some of the stereotypes about politics in the US.”

One of the great strengths of our statewide radio networks has been the collaborative efforts of our affiliates. Radio station news directors throughout the states we serve would report on stories of statewide relevance, feed them back to the network, where we would uplink back to all stations on the network. Resulting in a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts.

But as radio station owners slashed their news operations (to reduce operating costs), a lot of “statewide” stories just didn’t get covered. It was all the local news folks could do just to keep on top of their “local” stories. No time to feed something to the network. (I should point out that many network affiliates still do an amazing job of contributing stories to our networks.) One can only hope that we’ll see a swing back toward strong, well-staffed local news departments.

But perhaps the next network will look more like what the BBC (and others) are putting together. Citizen Journalists (pick another name if you don’t like that tag) covering and sharing hyper-local news in an infinite variety of ways.

The tools already exist. A housewife in Joplin shoots 2 minutes of video outside her local polling place, including comments by those standing in line to vote. The Internet means distribution will never be a problem again. All that’s missing is some structure to pull it all together in some coherent manner. Perhaps something like the BBC effort.

“Yeah, but how do we make money with this model, smays?”

I’m not sure that is the right question but it’s a reasonable question.

First, the costs associated with setting up something like this are relatively small when compared to traditional broadcast networks with satellite trucks and producers and editors and so forth. But it would take time to grow (as did our networks). And you’d probably have competition since this is a game almost anyone can play.

So, is there enough profit in something like this to make it worth the investment of time and money? If you already have a cow that’s giving milk (cash), maybe not. If you don’t own a cow, this might seem like a good way to start building your herd. [via Podcasting News]

Pod Fade

I hesitate to call it that since it was always our intention to do the Living Healthy Podcast for a year. On Tuesday, Dr. Domke and I will record our 50th show and we’re making it our final regular podcast. Let’s just call it the end of our first season. We might produce a few “specials” or bring the podcast back with a different format. But, for now, it’s time to take a break. Our last two topics were Shingles and Irritable Bowel Syndrome so, yeah, it’s hiatus time. I think LHP #50 will be pretty interesting so watch this space for a link.

How to ruin a podcast

Mark Ramsey points to a classic example of MSM cluelessness (CBS in this instance). His post makes me uncomfortable because our networks produce a lot of programs (newscasts and sports reports) that are comprised of 3 minutes of programming and one minute of commercial.

What if we were only podcasting that program. Would listeners swallow that? I’m thinking not.

Back in the dark old days, when one of our networks was oversold, we’d just jam in more spots and ask stations to air programs that had more commercial content than programming. Shudder.

Mark sums it up nicely:

“In our zeal to monetize our online content, remember that podcasts are downloaded and played voluntarily. It’s because we like you and want more of you. Yes, we’ll tolerate advertising in podcasts – but not 30 out of 90 seconds!”