“Can you put the president on the Internet?”

It was 28 years ago, most likely the spring of 1996, when I was plundering around our newly obtain Apple Power Macintosh 9600 in my tiny office at the center of Learfield Communications, the operator of Radio Iowa, the Missourinet, and numerous collegiate sports radio networks based in Jefferson City, Missouri.  My little company, Echo Communications and jointly formed a partnership with the regional radio giant called Straylight and we had set about to build websites and streaming audio programming around Learfield’s properties using the recently invented Progressive Networks Real Audio player, later dubbed simply Real Audio.

The room, probably not more than about 10′ x 10′, had a rack of low-end Compaq desktop computers in one corner, a high-end Compaq Proliant Server running Windows NT 4.0, and my desk in the other.  On my desk was this beautiful new machinery from Apple Computers, the last of its generation it turned out that I had first seen Steve Jobs announce in person at the Moscone Center only a few years before to a crowded room full of hypnotized zealots. I was one of those zealots.

This PowerMac on my desk was the crown jewel of our little high tech setup, as we had outfitted it with a special graphics card that had to be purchased separately (a first for a Mac).  I had waited for the graphics card for weeks; without it the computer was useless and could not even show a boot screen. But properly configured with the card and a beautiful 17″ Sony Triniton monitor and the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, it was truly a bicycle of the mind.  With this machine and some rudimentary HTML skills, we created the marvels of the New Media age: websites.

What was special about the websites that we produced with Learfield’s award winning news and sports programming content is that ours had something that almost no other had: live streaming audio. Through our partnership with Learfield, we wired in audio feeds from our satellite connections just on the other side of the wall where I was hacking out the little Netscape and Internet Explorer buttons that told our visitors which browsers our pages could best be “surfed” on.

We had built RadioIowa.com as a place to feature the award-winning news programming created under the leadership of O. Kay Henderson, whom we just called Kay.  I had had the pleasure of meeting Kay and her team of journalists at their offices in Des Moines.  We were already publishing her stories on the website and we had been able to use our new Real Audio technology to include features from the recent Iowa Caucuses.

While I can’t remember exactly which website project I was working on that day — I had driven to Jefferson City from Columbia where I was still a Computer Science student at the University of Missouri — I will never forget the day or the precise moment when O. Kay Henderson and I made history.

I think actually from a news perspective it was a pretty routine day.  Apparently — I knew little of these things at the time — President Clinton had signed a very significant piece of agricultural legislation known as the Freedom to Farm Act which was a big shift in how farmers would receive subsidies from the U.S. Government.  Big news in Iowa and for the nation, but for me, I was completely clueless.

But as a 23 year old who had experienced the Presidential Election of 1992, the appearances of then Governor Clinton on Arsenio Hall Show, the live saxophone performances and the momentous energy among his supporters, I knew something of Mr. Bill Clinton.

When I picked up the phone, it was Kay asking me in an excited voice, “Allen, can you put the President live on the Internet right now?  I’ve got him on the line.  He’s just become the first president to digitally sign legislation.  We can make him the first President live streamed on the web.”

I was speechless, nervous, and nearly fell out of my chair.  “Of coursee!  Give me two minutes.” (In radio, you have about 10 seconds before the moment has passed.)

I fired up the Real Audio service and hoped that our T-1 connection would not be giving us any problems today.  We needed that ultra-high bandwidth connection (it cost us a few thousand dollars a month to lease the line) to support up to 100 (one hundred!) live listeners at the time.

Of course I had no time to get the word out that we would be live streaming.  No Google existed.  No social media.

The radio listeners wouldn’t know we were online and they would already be hearing the interview anyways.

But we DID IT!  “Mr. President, can you hear me?”  Yes I heard him say.  Then I muted and Kay did her magic, as she had done with Mr. Clinton many times before and as she would continue to do with other powerful leaders the rest of her career.

I never streamed a President again after that.  I did stream Margaret Thatcher as she spoke on the anniversary of Winston Churchill’s speak in Fulton, Missouri in the website we built called “Words On the War”.

But I’ll never forget that day we put the President online.  A blip for him and perhaps not even a memory for Kay, but it’s etched in my mind forever.

— Allen Hammock, July 4, 2024

More on Learfield’s online adventures: Learfield and the Internet (1995-2005)

AI news anchors

During my ~30 years in broadcasting I had numerous occasions to recruit and hire reporters. Because our newsrooms were small (3 or 4 people), reporters also anchored our reports. Which meant they had to be good journalists AND have good on-air delivery. A tough compromise at times.

I wonder if technology like 11ElevenLabs’ speech synthesis will (is) changing this. The audio below is a CNN story “read” by one of their voices. (see previous post for more on this technology)

Iowa PBS announces new Iowa Press moderator

(Press release) Kay Henderson, the dean of the Iowa Capitol press corps and long-time guest panelist on Iowa Press, will be the next host and moderator of the Iowa PBS public affairs program. Henderson replaces David Yepsen, who retires from the Iowa Press desk on September 10, 2021. Her first formal broadcast as host will be Friday, September 17.

“Kay is already a member of the Iowa PBS family,” said Molly Phillips, executive director and general manager of the statewide public television network. “She has capably subbed as host and has been a regular second chair at the Iowa Press desk. She’s participated in countless campaign debates over the last three decades. We couldn’t ask for a stronger, more esteemed and experienced journalist to continue the Iowa Press legacy.”

Henderson first appeared on Iowa Press in October of 1987. For the past 20 years, she has been the national political director for Learfield news networks in Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota and Wisconsin. She has served two terms as president of the National Association of State Radio Networks’ news directors group. Henderson was hired by Learfield in 1987 as a statehouse reporter for Radio Iowa, a statewide news and sports network serving more than 70 commercial radio stations. She’s been that network’s news director since 1994 and will remain in that role alongside her new weekly assignment at Iowa PBS.

“It’s an honor to be invited to take on this new role,” Henderson said. “Watching Iowa Press hosts Dean Borg and David Yepsen guide the program over the past 34 years has given me a glimpse of the responsibilities ahead. I’m humbled by the opportunity and excited about the task of helping Iowa Press move into its fifth decade of service to our viewers.”

Henderson received the Iowa Broadcast News Association’s 2002 Jack Shelley Award, an annual recognition of “outstanding contribution to the cause of professional journalism.” The list of Shelley Award recipients includes the late Dean Borg, who retired as Iowa Press host in 2016, and the late Dan Miller, the long-time Iowa PBS general manager who was an Iowa Press producer early in his 37-year career with the network.

“After three decades of Iowa public affairs coverage on radio and on Iowa Press, Kay Henderson is the backbone of political journalism in this state,” said Andrew Batt, Iowa Press senior producer. “Our viewers have found Kay to be a trusted source for news and information throughout annual legislative sessions and nearly 20 election cycles.”

Henderson’s first salaried job in journalism was a three-month summertime stint as managing editor of the Lenox Time Table, the weekly newspaper in her southwest Iowa hometown. In addition to her work in Iowa broadcasting, Henderson has appeared on the PBS NewsHour, NBC’s “Meet the Press” and ABC’s “This Week” as well CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

“New App Lets Banner Ads Listen, Remember, Respond”

In the late 90’s I played a small part in our company’s early efforts to get on “the information highway.” We went all-in on an idea called AdActive. Proving, once again, that nothing ever dies on the Internet, I found the following on ClickZ. (1998)

Straylight in Seattle launched AdActive, a software product that allows existing banner ads to provide advertisers information on end-user brand perceptions, letting marketers target future messages based on individual responses.

Designed to support one-to-one relationships between customers and companies, AdActive works with a Web site’s existing ad delivery system or network to extend the traditional banner ad, the privately held company said.

Users are offered a number of options to tell advertisers what they think of the product or brand being presented without being taken away from the content they are viewing. AdActive then records the response so that it can be aggregated to provide detailed brand/product perception reports and used to more effectively target future ads.

“AdActive allows Web sites to realize new revenue by giving advertisers the ability to interact directly with consumers,” said Allen Hammock, technical director for Straylight’s AdActive Product Group. “Advertisers will also be able to look at what people think about their brand and products while giving Web surfers the ability to actively shape their online ad experience without registering or giving up their online anonymity.”

AdActive features a response bar, a small footprint Java applet, allows an individual to pass along positive or negative responses to an ad, contact an advertiser directly or even cancel an ad from being shown again.

The app gives advertisers the ability to respond to individual consumer brand perceptions with new advertisements or to refocus their efforts on consumers who chose not to respond at all.

AdActive is designed to work with NetGravity’s industry-standard ad delivery system, AdServer. The software is priced in a tiered structure based on a site’s traffic and computing resources.


I try not to long for “the way things used to be,” but it’s difficult. Newsletters, for example. In the late 80’s we sent a monthly newsletter to affiliated radio stations. One page, front and back. Typed, photocopied and mailed (took 4 days to reach some stations). Because the space was limited, one gave thought to what to put in and what to omit.

Facebook and Twitter accounts replaced newsletters long ago. That’s not right. Email replaced printed newsletters. So little thought goes into what we “share” these days, why bother?

O. Kay Henderson on Meet the Press

Friend and former coworker O. Kay Henderson was on the Meet the Press panel this morning. Kay is the news director of Radio Iowa, a state radio network I helped create back in the late 80s. Kay’s first job out of college was reporting for the network. A few years later I had the good sense and good fortune to promote her to News Director. Nobody knows more about Iowa politics than Kay.

O. Kay Henderson: On the campaign trail. Again.

Tonight’s PBS Newshour featured a segment that included an interview with my friend and former co-worker, O. Kay Henderson. I’ve known Kay for 32 years and — coincidently — she’s mentioned in 32 posts on this blog. I think I can safely say there is no one alive today that knows more about politics in Iowa than Ms. Henderson. It’s the only job she’s every had. She started covering politics while she was in college and came to work for Radio Iowa when she graduated and has been doing it ever since.


I found this clip languishing in my flickr account. Barb was doing some (legal) work at a psych facility that had closed and made off with a straitjacket. We share a sense of humor. I was never able to put the thing on but persuaded co-worker Christie to let us buckle her up. I hope and assume that there are more humane restraints today.