New sofa

Our new sofa was delivered today. At first glance, you might not see much difference.The old sofa cushions (seat and back) were more like pillows. Stuffed with some kind of feathers, if I had to guess. The new sofa is more firm. The seats and backs seem to be made of solid foam material.
The real test is yet to come.

Land Rover top swap

On Saturday a few friends came out to the house to help me take the hardtop off the Land Rover and put the soft-top on. Didn’t do this last spring because COVID was rampant. Really missed driving around under the mesh top. Last time we had the top off was in 2019. Took more help to get the hardtop back on that fall.

I’ve stored the hardtop in different places. After it was nearly destroyed by a tornado, I kept it in the basement but that meant removing the top from the sides. With a little help from my friends we were able to squeeze it in under the deck. Going to see if I can improve the look with a section of plastic lattice. (see below)

My thanks to the crew: George Kopp, Dave Kempf, Gaston De La Torre, and Dave Trammel.

Not much has changed

The first photo was taken in January of 2020. One of the last times I was in the Coffee Zone. The second photo was taken about a week ago. My life hasn’t really changed all that much. I have discovered a nice strong filter can takes a few years off. And once it was difficult to find a photo of me without a beer in my hand, these days it tends to be a phone.


Hattie (or oldest Golden) had a little surgery on Monday. She’s doing fine but has one of those Frankenstein incisions she really wants to scratch. So the hood and the crate for another week. Riley is missing their play sessions and is staying close.

Sure would hate to do this quarantine thing without a couple of good dogs.