Proof of vaccination

BBC: “International air travellers will in the future need to prove they have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to board Qantas flights, the airline says.

Bloomberg: “The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced Monday that it’s “in the final development phase” of a “digital passport” mobile app that would receive COVID-19 test and vaccination certificates. […] Global airline lobby IATA is working on a mobile app that will help travelers demonstrate their coronavirus-free status, joining a push to introduce so-called Covid passports to speed up the revival of international travel.”

This is certainly a responsible thing to do. But it is also great marketing. When passengers begin asking if the airline requires proof of vaccination, and choosing those that do, it won’t be long before all airlines do this.

Before you enroll your child in school, you have to provide proof of vaccination against common childhood diseases. (Or at least you used to.) When the highway patrolman walks up to your window, he asks for your driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance. And you better have it.

If you don’t want to wear a mask to protect others during a pandemic, that’s fine (oh, and fuck you). But let’s see how strong your “my body, my choice” convictions are when you can’t get into Arrowhead Stadium (where the KC Chiefs play), or Red Lobster, or the hillbilly casino down the road. It’s gonna be lonely out there for mask-deniers. But hey, you’ve got each other.

“False Side Effects”

“If you take 10 million people and just wave your hand back and forth over their upper arms, in the next two months you would expect to see about 4,000 heart attacks. About 4,000 strokes. Over 9,000 new diagnoses of cancer. And about 14,000 of that ten million will die, out of usual all-causes mortality. No one would notice. That’s how many people die and get sick anyway. But if you took those ten million people and gave them a new vaccine instead, there’s a real danger that those heart attacks, cancer diagnoses, and deaths will be attributed to the vaccine. I mean, if you reach a large enough population, you are literally going to have cases where someone gets the vaccine and drops dead the next day (just as they would have if they *didn’t* get the vaccine). It could prove difficult to convince that person’s friends and relatives of that lack of connection, though.”

— Derek Lowe (In The Pipeline)

Find your place in the vaccine line

Interesting “vaccine tool” from the New York Times.

“Based on (my) risk profile, we believe you’re in line behind 118.5 million people across the United States. When it comes to Missouri, we think you’re behind 2.4 million others who are at higher risk in your state. And in Cole County, you’re behind 31,000 others. If the line in Missouri was represented by about 100 people, this is where you’d be standing:”

My better angels are on lockdown

Tell me again why I should care when a virus denier gets sick or dies. Yes, I understand they endanger health care workers and friends/neighbors. I get that. I’ll grieve for them. But if you refuse to wear a seat belt and die in a crash… or refuse to wear a helmet and die in a motorcycle crash (no others harmed)… why am I supposed to care? I’ve only got so much grief to go around and I’m now rationing.

The First Thanksgiving

Americans revive spirit of first Thanksgiving by carrying disease to new areas

“I was watching a PBS special about the Pilgrims,” one American said, “and they spent their entire first winter in Massachusetts before Thanksgiving just watching their family members die. They carried them out to the woods, propped them up against trees and left them there to give the illusion that the settlement was guarded. That wasn’t something we incorporated into our Thanksgiving before, but it’s never too late to start a new tradition.”

From a delightful piece in the Washington Post. Behind their pay-wall, I think. But here’s the link.

I like pumpkin pie as well as the next guy but let’s face it: Thanksgiving –and Xmas for that matter– are made-up holidays. Like Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day and all the rest. Mostly about selling stuff. So putting family at risk for some cranberry sauce? Just selfish. I’ll celebrate “thanksgiving” on the day people start getting vaccinated.


I’ve long admired the face shield worn by Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid. So I ordered a couple for Barb and me. I like this model because it slips onto the bill of a cap which makes it easy to wear.

More and more health care pros are recommending eye protection for indoor situations and while Barb and I have been able to avoid being indoors, a situation might come up where it’s unavoidable. We would, of course, be masked behind the shield. Ounce of prevention = pound of cure.

Your money or your life!

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “The Missouri Senate has postponed a special legislative session focused on limiting COVID-19-related lawsuits after a COVID-19 outbreak within its ranks.”

Lots of COVID denial in Missouri even as our cases soar. No mask mandate for us, thank you very much. So the classic Jack Benny bit seems apropos.

COVID-19: “Wear a mask or I’ll infect you and make you really sick or kill you! What’s it going to be?!”

MISSOURI LEGISLATOR: (long pause) “I’m thinking! I’m thinking!”