“You gotta live your life, dude”

On the COVID Caution Spectrum I’m probably an 11 out of 10. And fortunate in my circumstances so I can avoid unnecessary exposure. For the last two years I’ve listened as friends and family lectured me on the importance of not letting “some virus” control your life. “You gotta live your life, dude.”

A philosophy I have yet to hear in any of the countless interviews with people with severe and/or protracted cases. These are mostly of the I’ve-never-been-so-sick-get-vaccinated variety. Where are the folks on oxygen saying, “I almost died but, hey, you gotta live your life, right?”


On May 20, 2013 I began an experiment with plant-based eating. Was never hard-core and always thought of myself as a half-assed vegetarian. I ate eggs and cheese and such. And several years ago I started eating fish.

I never found the plant-based path difficult but in the last couple of months I have strayed. I started dreaming about ham sandwiches. And as I’ve aged (74 next month) I’ve lost muscle mass. Not really anything I can do about that. But part of my original motivation was “I want to be perfectly healthy and live forever!” Silly but true. Neither of those things are going to happen so give me one of those pepperoni pizzas to go.

Chiropractic: An Essay by H.L. Mencken

The following is an excerpt from a 1924 essay by H. L. Mencken. It seems relevant in light of the stupid quackery that’s killing hundreds of thousands.

Any lout with strong hands and arms is perfectly equipped to become a chiropractor. No education beyond the elements is necessary. The takings are often high, and so the profession has attracted thousands of recruits — retired baseball players, work-weary plumbers, truck-drivers, longshoremen, bogus dentists, dubious preachers, cashiered school superintendents. Now and then a quack of some other school — say homeopathy — plunges into it. Hundreds of promising students come from the intellectual ranks of hospital orderlies.

“Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) was a controversial American journalist, essayist and literary critic. During the 1920s, he became famous for his vitriolic attacks on what he considered to be the hypocrisy, stupidity, and bigotry of much of American life. For obvious reasons, his critics considered him highly skilled at satire but intolerant and often crude. This essay was published in the Baltimore Evening Sun in December 1924. Although the medical knowledge of his day was still quite primitive, Mencken knew enough to realize that chiropractic theory was preposterous.”

We got our third shot of the Pfizer vaccine

They’re calling them booster shots but I’ve read a few articles that say it was always the plan to give three shots. Not something you want to publicize when you can’t get so many to get one shot. Barb and I got our shots eleven days ago. From CNN:

For individuals 65 plus, we saw significant declines in VE (vaccine effectiveness) against infection during Delta for the mRNA products,” Link-Gelles told CDC vaccine advisers this past week.

In a study of 4,000 healthcare personnel, first responders, and other frontline workers in eight places who were tested every week regardless of symptoms, vaccine protection against any infection declined from 91% pre-Delta to 66% during Delta.

Pfizer says its studies show booster doses bring people’s immunity back up to what it was right after they got their second shots, or to even higher levels.

How much higher? From the New York Times:

At least 12 days after the booster, rates of infection were elevenfold lower and of severe disease nearly twentyfold lower in those who received a booster compared with those who had received only two doses, the researchers found. The researchers acknowledged that their results were preliminary.

I like those numbers. And if I have to get a “booster” ever six months? BFD. I see my dentist every six months. While we’re on the subject of vaccines… My doctor recently suggested I get a shot of the new and improved shingles vaccine, Shingrix. Shingles is bad shit so I headed for the pharmacy. Turns out there might be a bonus benefit:

RZV (Shingrix) vaccination was associated with a 16% lower risk of COVID-19 diagnosis and 32% lower risk of hospitalization, suggesting RZV elicits heterologous protection, possibly through trained immunity.

At this point I’m masking just to piss off the anti-vaxxers.

Kovid Karma

(The Denver Post) “Conservative firebrand Bob Enyart, the pastor of the Denver Bible Church and indelible talk show host, has died from COVID-19, his radio co-host announced Monday on Facebook. […] Enyart and his wife refused to get the vaccine due to abortion concerns, he said on his website. In October, Enyart successfully sued the state over mask mandates and capacity limits in churches, a rare legal victory against broad public health mandates instituted during the pandemic.”

“On his old TV show, Bob Enyart Live, the host would “gleefully read obituaries of AIDS sufferers while cranking ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ by Queen.”

Enyart is the sixth conservative/anti-vaccine talk show host to die of COVID in the past six weeks.


Everyone knows about lemmings. Something frightens them and they head for the nearest cliff, plummeting to their death. Each following the guy in front of him because… because that’s what lemmings do. But what about the guy in the middle of the pack who doesn’t want to go over the cliff?

“Hey, everybody! There’s a cliff up ahead. I was there just yesterday and it’s a long drop!

Nobody listens or they don’t believe him.

“Excuse me, coming through. Pardon me… I just need to get to the edge of the herd. Don’t push! This is my stop!

The U.S. response to COVID is a bit like this. A lot of people trying to avoid the cliff but can’t get to safety in time. The rest hurtle off the cliff.

Excuse me, coming through.

The annual doctor visit

The following excerpts are from a Wall Street Journal piece titled: Tech Advances Put the Annual Doctor Visit on the Critical List. The gist of the article is the yearly check-up with your doctor is in for some big changes.

Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minn., has started sending laboratory kits to patients in advance of their physicals. Patients, especially those who live far away, can get blood drawn at a local clinic and send it back for standard lab and genetic analyses and discuss results with their doctors virtually. The future, says Carl Andersen, medical director of the clinic’s executive health program, is “bringing healthcare to patients where they are as opposed to asking them to come in.”

Mayo eventually expects to gather additional patient information remotely via smartphone and smartwatch apps, wearable sensors and blood pressure cuffs that enable monitoring of such health indicators as blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, physical activity, heart rate, heart rhythm, blood sugar and sleep quality. Doctors elsewhere have begun adopting this strategy; some experts believe it is poised to fundamentally change how the physical is done and could prompt patients to engage more proactively in their health.
“When people start using a smartphone to monitor their blood pressure, they become experts at managing it,” says Eric Topol, director of Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, Calif. Maybe “it’s only a problem on Monday morning when they go back to work.” That finding wouldn’t emerge in a once-a-year visit, but it opens options for a patient other than a prescription for blood pressure pills.

Digital stethoscopes are available that allow doctors to check heart and lung sounds remotely. Dr. Tison and his colleagues at UCSF have developed a technique using a smartphone camera and flashlight that can detect a biomarker of diabetes in patients without a blood draw. Mayo doctors have tested an algorithm that can reveal heart weakness from data obtained in an electrocardiogram long before symptoms of heart failure, heart rhythm irregularities or cardiovascular disease arise.

DNA is poised to become part of the routine physical too. As part of its blood analysis, Mayo will soon offer liquid biopsy tests, which look for evidence of cancer in DNA fragments that even early-stage tumors shed into the bloodstream. The test will search for many more tumor types beyond the screens performed for breast, lung, prostate and colorectal cancers as recommended in current health checkups.

UCSF’s Dr. Tison suggests a more dynamic approach to the physical lies ahead: Doctors will provide, say, monthly electronic reports to patients on metrics such as blood pressure, heart function, blood oxygen levels and weight, based on the data stream from digital devices. Unless an abnormal signal turns up, in-person exams—with the hands-on touch doctors and patients value—could be set for every two or three years.

Mass Murder Movement

Author Tim Wise explains why COVID anti-vaxxers aren’t a MAGA death cult… it’s a mass murder movement.

When you would tell them repeatedly that wearing a mask was less for the wearer than for others, they shrugged. If other folks are at risk, they should stay home and let the rest of us get back to the gym, the hairdresser, concerts, movies, and tailgate parties before the big game. […] Their freedom to do as they pleased was more important than other people’s lives.

Suicidal people don’t act or think that way. Homicidal people do.

If you refuse a vaccine when you have no valid health reason to do so (as almost no one does), thereby keeping the virus alive longer by increasing the risk of mutations, you are saying that other people’s lives don’t matter to you.

I cannot weep for someone who thought the “blood of Jesus” was all the vaccine they needed.

On a personal level, treating deniers like pariahs means banishing them, metaphorically, to the cornfield. It means cutting them out of our lives entirely: no invitations to the cocktail party or backyard barbecue, no seat for them at the holiday table, and no invitation to the grandkid’s graduation, Little League game, or dance recital. Refuse to speak to them, break bread with them or communicate with them in any way until they get their shit together and learn to play by the rules of public health by which rational, decent people agree to play.

Till then, they have made their ICU beds. Now they can lie in them, and sadly, die in them — completely and utterly, alone.

“I’m sorry, but…”

“How should I mourn friends who threw away their lives because irrational politics overrode rational thoughts of self-preservation? What should I say to the grieving spouse you leave behind? “Well, at least they died doing what they loved to do” becomes even more ludicrous when what they loved to do was LIVE! I probably won’t go to your funeral at all. It’s your fault that I have to make that choice. I don’t want to be your pallbearer.”

Bob Priddy on those who refuse to get vaccinated.