Time for Talk clips (1979)

Coming up with a topic five days a week in our little town was tough, so the host of the local access channel asked me to come on from time to time. I’d forgotten (mercifully) about the first bit but did recall the Arnold Claus segment (about 2:50 in). I should be embarrassed by these but there is a surreal quality about them that appeals to me now. And nothing I said or did was as perfect as the pre-recorded opening to Time for Talk.

White Horse Pub, UK

Keith Povall has been an online pal for years. He lives in Walsall in the UK where he and his mate (that’s the way they talk) Wally the Welder frequent the White Horse pub, a traditional pub that Keith says is quickly dying out. So we decided to visit (via Google Hangout). I love all things British and could listen to these guys talk for hours. A few minute should be enough for most folks. I share my poorly produced video here for archival purposes.

Berjaya Langkawi Resort

Barb had her heart set on some beach time and Penang doesn’t have really great beaches. So she booked a couple of days at the Berjaya Langkawi Resort, an island to the north (about a 30 min flight).

Hanging out with Dave. And Dave.

This is the first Google Hangout I’ve actually enjoyed. Previous efforts were about learning the tools (I still need to work on that). This was a chance to shoot the shit with a couple of guys I find interesting and funny. I picked the radio topic just to get us started.

Had no idea it would run 45 minutes but that’s okay because we don’t expect anyone to actually watch this. David Brazeal left a perfectly good job to follow his passion. Dave Morris has been self-employed for years.

Wedding Photos