Jeep Reunion

The annual Jeep Reunion in Fulton, MO was modest as such events go (a plus in my book) and I didn’t go nuts with photos. To my newbie eye there was a sameness to many of the Jeeps, but a few caught my eye.

Engine of a 1946 CJ2A. Owners insist very little has been done to the Jeep over the years.
1948 Delivery Sedan

Another 1946 CJ2A with a couple of farm implements that made the Jeep popular with farmers.

I believe this is an M274 ½-ton 4×4 utility platform truck. These were introduced in the mid-50s but I’m not sure of the year on this one. Also known as the MULE.

Burning Man

Burning Man is most of the things I try hardest to avoid. Crowds, traffic jams and overflowing Porta Potties. The still image below just begins to capture the size of the event. This video comes closer.
Mr. Wolf has attended Burning Man in the past and he attended this year’s event: “We got out Sunday afternoon, so glad we’re not in that traffic hell!” Fortunately he was driving/living in the EarthRoamer XV-LT.

1941 Dodge WC 1/2 Ton Truck

“Dodge was the U.S. Army’s main supplier of 1/2-ton trucks, and its sole supplier of both 3/4-ton trucks and 1-1/2-ton six-by-six trucks in World War II. With over a quarter million units built through August 1945, the G502 3/4-tons were the most common variants in the WC series. WC was not an abbreviation of “Weapons Carrier”, but a Dodge model code – initially W for 1941, and C for half-ton rating. However, the ‘WC’ model code was retained for both the 3/4-ton and 1-1/2-ton 6×6 Dodges – as well as for the subsequent model years”.

Paul and a friend trailered his vintage Bronco to Colorado for some off-roading. While there they spotted the truck above and Paul’s buddy couldn’t come home without it. Which meant Paul had to drive the Bronco 750 miles so the Dodge could have the trailer.

1968 Dodge 200

Friend Paul’s latest pickup project. 1968 Dodge 200. That, friends and neighbors, is what a pickup bed is supposed to look like. Pretty sure my Jeep would ride comfortably.

And that grill. Minimalism before there was such a thing.

Looks like a previous owner added the SEAT-RT-LEFT under the speedometer. Will have to ask Paul. And this baby has not one, not two, but three fuel tanks. One behind the seat and one on each side of the bed behind a tiny vault door.
Just to the left of the seat is a handy lever for switching from one fuel tank to another. Long way between gas stations out West.

1970 Ford 100

“Selling over 640,000 units in 2022 in the US, the Ford F-Series range of trucks has once again become the highest-selling truck in America – 46th time in a row.”  Whenever I get behind the wheel of my ’77 F-150 I’m greeted with “thumbs up” and shouts of “Want to sell that truck?”

My friend Paul recently acquired this 1970 pickup which I believe is a fifth generation F-series although the markings (see inset below) read: FORD 100. No “F”

Looks like it had a camper shell for most of its life. Check out the bed below.

Pickup truck?

What makes a pickup truck… a pickup truck. What is its essence, if you will? A bed for “picking up” stuff? The Oxford Dictionary definition is: “a small truck with an enclosed cab and open back.” So, yeah, this is a pickup truck. But will it ever haul a load of cow manure or gravel or a greasy engine block? Will the owner ever climb into its luxurious cab in sweaty, dirty work clothes? Maybe.

But it just doesn’t say “pickup truck” to me. This is for towing and expensive Airstream travel trailer. I’m not a farmer or rancher or anyone that needs a pickup truck. So I have no standing for this kind of snobbery. But a truck like the one above can cost $68,000 dollars. And it seems to be more about a comfortable ride for the driver (and passengers) than getting work done. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, as Jerry Seinfeld would say.

From my friend (and car aficionado) Phil: “nearly certain that’s a 2024 GMC 3500 Denali Ultimate. If so, $101-105,000 (with massaging seats!) if it’s just a regular Denali, it’s still a $95K+ truck… $68K might get you a used 2020, but not one of those.”

Another friend reports: “2015 GMC diesel/Denali still books at 50K!”

Fancy pants Jeep

Didn’t meet the owner of this fancy new Jeep but took a moment to check out his ride. Deluxe interior with some kind of two-way radio affixed above the driver’s seat. CB radios are not still a thing, are they? Sorry, but just doesn’t say “Jeep” to me.

Spare engine block for Jeep

I took the Jeep to Cruise Night where hundreds of (mostly) old car and truck enthusiasts gather to see and be seen. My friend Paul introduced me to Bob who finds/buys/sells old Jeeps and Jeep parts. Bob and his wife were on their way home (Colorado) from a Jeep gathering in Ohio where Bob purchased an old engine block.
As fate would have it, just the engine block I’d need if the tiny crack in my block (see image below) made the Jeep un-drivable.

So I bought it for $100 and will keep it in the Annex as Cosmic Insurance against my current engine blowing up.