PR Technology Panel

The big “PR technology” panel went off reasonably well today. Not my best showing but it’s been a while since I did one of these. [AUDIO: 5o min] I got a little distracted when my nano (which I was using for a timer) shut off. But it could have been worse. And the room was packed.

Tony Calandro did a nice overview of blogs, RSS, podcasting, etc. I added a few thoughts on podcasting. and Richard Callow ( did convinced me that a smart politician with good people advising him/her can get a lot of mileage from blogging and podcasting. I was very impressed.

You can listen to the discussion if you care to download this 23 meg MP3 file. Questions from the audience were not mic’d so I left those off.

I came away with the sense that the PR community sort of knows what blogs and podcasts are… and want to know more. But they have miles to go. Controlling the message is hard-coded into their DNA and the idea of open, unfiltered, uncontrolled communication will make many of them –and their clients– uncomfortable for a long time.

Is your company ready to blog?

In an interview for the Bacon’s Navigator, Sally Falkow writes that Jonathan Schwartz, President and COO of Sun Microsystems said that blogging had played a major role in the revitalization of Sun’s reputation. Sun has gone from the 99th to the 6th most popular server company, largely because it has embraced authenticity and transparency in its communication initiatives, according to the piece.

Among the benefits of corporate blogging (according to the Falkow piece):

  • Increases search engine visibility and thus brand awareness
  • Offers a direct communication channel to the public
  • Builds credibility and trust
  • Allows you to tell your story, uncensored by the media
  • Makes your organization more “real” to the public

Is your company ready to blog? Check the culture of your organization:

  • Can you let go of the controlled ‘messaging’?
  • Are you willing to be authentic and transparent?
  • Do you have the resources – writers, time, budget – to create the content for a blog that others will find compelling?

I remember (many years ago) pleading with our CEO to get computers for the newsroom. And lots of heated meetings on why we did (or did not) need to network our computers. The idea of email seemed silly at one time. I remember all of this like it was yesterday. I get the same blank, puzzled looks from some of our top folks when the subject of blogs comes up. What possible value could a corporate blog have?

Can we let go of controlled ‘messaging?’ Not entirely.
Are we willing to be transparent? Up to a point.
Will our company ever have a corporate blog? I expect we will, and it will probably happen like this:

Somebody in senior management will be at a meeting or conference and someone they know and trust will talk about their experience with blogging and ask if we are using this tool. Fortunately, when they return to the Mother Ship, they’ll find a cadre of experienced bloggers ready to help.

Postscript: (24 hours later) Not every company is ready to blog. I happen to think most companies should not attempt this. This only works if everybody (top to bottom) is jumping in with great enthusiasm. If there’s any doubt about whether this is a good thing for your organization… don’t do it.

Blogs worst marketing idea of 2005

Brandweek Magazine ranks blogs among the worst marketing ideas of 2005:

Blogs provide almost no new information. They’re frequently inaccurate. They contribute to the hysterical polarization of our nation’s political discourse. And they’re often written by people who can’t, you know, write. So naturally marketers have flocked to associate their brands with them. Seriously, it’s not entirely clear why so many marketers have rushed to get themselves name-dropped in one of the most unreliable media environments yet invented, but we’re sure there’s a PowerPoint presentation on their ROI being prepared as we write this.

I especially like the part about “hysterical polarization of our nation’s political discourse.” Riiight.

Ladies and gentlemen…SquirtCheez!

In June of 2003, I posted a short list of “Blogs I Would Read If They Existed.” Leaving David Brazeal off that list was an oversight but David is easy to oversee. Not unlike Topsy. Tonight I am honored to be among the first to link to David’s new blog, SquirtCheez.

SquirtCheez has a long and illustrious history as a metaphor for the human experience. Homer called it the “nectar of fat and happy Olympian consumerism.” American colonial preacher Jonathan Edwards, in his most famous sermon, noted that SquirtCheez is the only source of sustenance that will explode upon being thrown into the flames of hell.

It’s totally unfair of me to put this kind of pressure on David and I will look like a total dumb-ass if he screws the pooch on this. But gosh darn it, I’m willing to risk it. Because David is part of that tiny, select group I refer to as: TFFTJ (Too Funny for Their Jobs). Please welcome him to the ‘sphere.

The people formerly known as the audience

The phrase above is attributed to Jay Rosen, a blogger and journalism professor at New York University. I thought it nicely summed up an article written by Katharine Q. Seelye (Answering Back to the News Media, Using the Internet). Subjects of newspaper articles and news boradcasts taping interviews, gathering email exchanges, taking notes on phone conversations…and publishing them on their own web sites or blogs, creating a new world where the audience and sources are publishers.

As far as I know, this has not happened to any of the reporters that work for our various radio news networks. But it will. One of our guys (intended as gender-neutral) will record an interview and pull some “cuts” for the story. The person being interviewed will be recording the interview as well. And they’ll post the full transcript (or the audio) on their website. Not necessarily to question the accuracy of our story, but just to let the public see what we did –and did not– include. Is this “fair” or “okay?” Don’t know. But that’s beside the point. It’s happening.

If is was a hot topic, I’d post the entire interview myself. Unedited. [Thanks, Morris.]

Dave Winer: Are we more than our stories?

Could it be that our purpose is to tell a story, and that the better lived a life is, the better the story that survives after you’re gone?

An intriguing question posed by Dave Winer (a couple of years ago). If I read the post correctly, he’s wondering if there is really more to us than the stories we tell. For those of us that attempt to share our hopes and fears, successes and failures (in journals like this one)…is there really more to us than our blogs? Reminds me of a great T-Shirt David (Brazeal) found on someone’s blog: Enough about me. Let’s talk about my blog.

Corporate blogging

Clyde (the president/CEO of our company) popped in this morning with a page torn from the December 26, 2005 issue of Forbes. It was an article (“My Life As a Blogger”) by Rich Karlgaard, the publisher. Our CEO is not a blogger (yet) but he likes reading them and commenting.

Forbes did a cover story a couple of months ago, titled: “Attck of the Blogs” that was pretty much full of shit. So I was surprised at how clued-in Mr. Karlgaard is. He’s been blogging for a couple of months and concludes (full post):

  • Blogging is not overhyped.
  • Don’t judge blogging by the “average” blog.
  • The best bloggers write about what they know, and when the don’t know, they link to more knowledgeable sources.
  • Blogs really do threaten the mainstream media.
  • Good companies and honest businesspeople have little to fear from bloggers. Bad companies and shady dealers will get their heads handed to them in the blogosphere.

Forbes and Learfield don’t fully grok “the blogging thing” yet but they will, because they have really smart guys at the top. Which is, of course, how they got there.

Bonus link: Interesting post by Doc Searls on corporate blogging, branding, etc.

Network Affiliate Relations 2.0

Affiliate RelationsIn the previous post I offered some ideas for using the web and related technologies to “connect” with local radio listeners and advertisers. I took a nap and had a sub sandwich and now I’m ready make a list for network affiliate relations. What is that you ask?

From the mid-eighties to the late nineties, part of my job was “selling” our network services to radio stations. We provided news and and sports programming in exchange for commercials on the local station, which we in turn tried to sell. The trick was to keep the stations you had while adding new stations when and where you could.

I drove all over half a dozen states, meeting with station managers, program directors and news directors. For the most part, this was pre-consolidation and I was talking to the station owner or a manager who was almost completely autonomous. They could make a decision without checking with anyone up the food chain. They were at or near the top of that chain. No longer the reality.

Where was I? Oh. How would I use today’s communication and publishing tools if I were doing that job? First, I’m not sure I would have the balls to do what I’m about to propose. There would be some risk. As much as doing business “the old way?” Don’t know. And, fortunately, no longer my call. But here goes:


I’d create the “MyState Radio Network Affiliate Relations Blog.” It would be right out there on the web with the rest of the blogs. No password. The target audience would be the men and women that worked at radio stations affiliated with our network. Topics would include (but not be limited to): Programming, Sales, Traffic, etc. We’d talk about how stations use the network programming and why they sometimes don’t (it’s called clearance).

That sound you hear is the first alarm going off. If we publically acknowledge that some of our affilaites don’t air all of our programming, an advertiser might read the post and become concerned. Fact is, the advertisers already know that or can find out easily enough. By engagaing our affiliates in a frank and open discussion of this topic, we might learn something that could help us improve our clearance.

I’d let stations know about upcoming advertising campaigns and –where possible– offer suggestions on how they can take advantage of this locally. The traditional fear is that if they stations know –in advance– some of them might do or say something that could torpedo the network buy. Not much trust there.

I’d open up the comments and encourage the stations to let us know what they think about what we’re doing. If I got a hot one, I’d jump on the phone (or in my car) and deal with it.

What would an advertiser think of this public exchange? Not sure. We might get some points for being open and transparent. Nothing to hide. Radio stations might take the same view.

Here at the end of 2005 we communiate with our affiliates using the web, email, fax, telephone and in-station visits. All good and all necessary. And safe. Or at least the illusion of safety and control. Whatever the stations think and say about us, they’re thinking and saying. It’s critical to get them to say it to me and say it early.


I’d do a weekly podcast targeted at affiliates but out there for anyone to listen to. Who would I chat with? My news staff; my affiliate relations reps; my sales manager and his account execs; station managers, program directors and news directors… anybody and everybody involved in this business. We’d talk about anything and everything. If we –the network– does something really stupid, we hang it out there and talk about it. Why we did it. How we might do it differently in the future. What if an advertiser heard one of these? Great. If the “conversation” is going to take place, I want to be in on it.

As I said at the beginning of this post, I’m not sure I’d have the nerve to try such…”non-traditional” tactics. I’m not aware of any networks that are but if you know of one, send me a link.

Time capsule: October 9, 1984

Oversold again. Expressed my fears and concerns to Clyde. He feels it is a mistake to turn down business. I say there has to be a “good programming” limit. The newscasts just aren’t good quality programming with two minutes of spots.

Another charming little nugget from my 1984 (first year at Learfield) journal. I believe our newscasts were 5 minutes long in ’84. Four minutes of news content, one minute of network commecial inventory. When we sold out, we “double-spotted” (3 and 2) and got away with it. Not sure if we could today. Note the total absence of irony in my “mistake to turn down business” reference. Was I precious, or what?

Time capsule: June 3, 1984

1984 journalWhile cleaning up my home office I came across an old spiral notebook that’s been gathering dust for a long time. I flipped it open to take a look before tossing and discovered a journal I kept during much of 1984, my first year at Learfield. Seems I had the blogging bug way back then. I promise not to make you relive 1984, but I might share an entry from time to time.

June 3, 1984

Left Kennett at 7:45 a.m., arrived Jefferson City at 1:15 p.m. Beautiful day, beautiful drive. Coming over the hill just outside of town, saw the city in among the rolling hills. Beautiful.

Went to the office and visited with Jeff Smith. I’m doing my best to keep a good positive attitude, but I’m scared shitless. I honestly believe there’s no one they could have hired who would be any better at this job than me. Anyone would face the same problems I’ll face and I know that I can handle them. Every instinct tells me this is a genuine milestone in my life. The other path was a kind of defeatism. A ‘giving up’ and setteling for less. This is the time; this is the job; this…is…it.

I had forgotten how nervous I was those first few weeks. And my rah-rah, motivational tape approach to things. It seems a little silly now but I think all that stuff helped get me through a few tough spots. See you at the top!