Books for people who don’t read books

The image below is from tonight’s NBC newscast. The lady is part of the family responsible for addicting America to oxycontin. She’s getting grilled by congress. Pretty sure that’s a book backdrop. Someone suggested she might be in the law library of one of her attorneys. Maybe.

Turns out I’m not the only one fascinated by this stuff. Check out Room Rater. (“Rating bookcases, backsplashes and hostage videos since April, 2020.”)

AirPods vs. “cans”

Seems like only yesterday wearing a Blue Tooth earbud/mic made you the subject of derision. A techno-hipster intent on impressing everyone with his hands-free phone calls.

Fast-forward to the Apple AirPods, which also got you some snickers. A lot for snickers. But it turns out AirPods work pretty well and I started seeing them everywhere. The FedEx guy. The crew chief that oversaw our new roof. The guy that mows our yard (yeah, yeah).

The plague hits and Zoom becomes a generic term (“I was zooming all day”). And those TV “at home” interviews? Lots of AirPods. So many that when I see someone wear a big old set of cans I think, poor dweeb.

Like these two guys being interviewed by Bill Maher. I know, I know… superior audio quality!

Social distancing California style

My buddy Grayson Wolf and his wife Larisa loaded up his 1967 Unimog 404 and drove up into the Sierras for a little break from the pandemic. (More photos here)

Two things in the photo below caught my eye: the well-stocked bar and what looks like a picnic table in the back of the vehicle. Grayson explains:

“It is essential to make six-ingredient cocktails when you’re camping next to a three ton military truck, right?

And that “picnic table?”

A German beer hall table, to be precise, and it is bolted to the bed. Nice place to eat our meals.”

Okay, three things. Grayson has brought back the mohawk.

Life goes on!