Book Excerpts (update this page)

Anathem (Neal Stephenson).pdf
Bangkok Tattoo (John Burdett).pdf
Biocentrism (Robert Lanza).pdf
Boomsday (Christopher Buckley).pdf
Brave New War (John Robb).pdf
Breath – The New Science of A Lost Art (James Nestor) .pdf
Cognitive Surplus (Clay Shirky).pdf
Consciousness and the Social Brain (Mich. Graziano).pdf
Count Zero (William Gibson).pdf Cryptnomicon (Neal Stephenson).pdf
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel (Scott Adams).pdf
Distrust That Particular Flavor (William Gibson).pdf
Everything Is Miscellaneous (David Weinberger).pdf
Facebook – The Inside Story (Steven Levy).pdf
Faster (James Gleick).pdf
Free – The Future of a Radical Price (Chris Anderson).pdf
Free Will (Sam Harris).pdf
From Bacteria to Bach and Back (Danniel C. Dennett).pdf
Galatea 2.2 (Richard Powers).pdf
Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse (Victor Gischler).pdf
God Hates You, Hate Him Back.pdf God’s Debris (Scott Adams).pdf
God’s Debris.pdf (Scott Adams)
Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking.pdf
Here Comes Everybody (Clay Shirky).pdf
Homo Deus -A Brief History of Tomorrow (Yuval Noah Harari).pdf
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big (Scott Adams).pdf
Ignore Everybody – And 39 Other Keys to Creativity.pdf
Immortality (Stephen Cave).pdf
Incognito – The Secret Lives of the Brain.pdf
Jesus Interrupted (Bart D. Ehrman).pdf
JPod (Douglas Coupland).pdf
Life, Inc. (Douglas Rushkoff).pdf
Linchpin – Are You Indispensable (Seth Godin).pdf
Marshall McLuhan – You Know Nothing of My Work (Douglas Coupland).pdf
Masters of the Word (William J. Bernstein).pdf
Mockingbird (Walter Tevis).pdf
Pattern Recognition (William Gibson).pdf
Present Shock – When Everything Happens Now (Dougla Coupland).pdf
Quantum Enigma (Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner).pdf
Random Walk (Lawrence Block).pdf
Sapiens -A Brief History of Humankind (Noah Yuval Harari).pdf
Skinny Dip (Carl Hiaasen).pdf
Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson).pdf
Spark (John Twelve Hawks).pdf
Team Human ( Douglas Rushkoff).pdf
Technocracy in America – Rise of the Info-State.pdf
The Antidote (Oliver Burkeman).pdf
The Big Picture (Sean Carroll).pdf
The Devil’s Code (John Sanford).pdf
The Dip – Knowing when to quit, and when to stick .pdf
The Ego Trick (Julian Baggini).pdf
The Ego Tunnel (Thomas Metzinger).pdf
The Facebook Effect (David Kirkpatrick).pdf
The God Argument (A. C. Grayling) 2.pdf
The Inevitable (Kevin Kelly).pdf
The Information (James Gleick).pdf
The Intention Economy – When Customers Take Charge.pdf
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Marie Kondo).pdf
The Long Tail (Chris Anderson).pdf
The Mindfulness Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety.pdf
The Religion War – excerpts (Scott Adams).pdf
The Religion War (Scott Adams).pdf
The Religion War (Scott Adams).pdf
The Singularity Is Near (Ray Kurzweil).pdf
The Torrent (John D. MacDonald).pdf The War in 2020 (Ralph Peters).pdf
Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman).pdf
This Town – Two Parties a…Plenty of Valet Parking.pdf
Throwing Rocks at the Go…us – Douglas Rushkoff.pdf
Time Travel (James Gleick).pdf
Tribes (Seth Godin).pdf
Twenty Thirty (Albert Brooks).pdf
War (Sebastian Junger).pdf
What Technology Wants (Kevin Kelly).pdf
Why Does the World Exist (Jim Holt) .pdf
WTF (What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us.pdf
Zero History (William Gibson).pdf
Zucked – Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe .pdf