The sweet sound of the chainsaw

After cutting –the fun part– everything has to be dragged to a pile near the chipper. Less fun.

Final step before chipping is clipping the limbs to get the trunk < 3 inches.

After an hour of chipping I had enough chips to extend the trail 30 or 40 feet.

As I move down the hill larger rocks (to line the trail) are harder to find so I’m sledding them  down the hill.

Stay Put

“The key to living during this environmental crisis is to STAY PUT. Focus on living and existing in your corner of the Earth, protect it. Travel and moving around all the time is so overrated. A lot of it is a waste of time. Create your own bliss where you are right now. Stop searching the world for it!”

David Suzuki

Jeep has crack in engine block

Took the Jeep to my mechanic for four routine service and maintenance. Oil change, lubrication, etc. Probably been a while. Alas, he found a crack in the engine block. The plan is patch with StopLeak, J-B Weld, etc. I won’t be driving it fast or far and if/when it stops running we’ll look at replacing the block. As far as I can tell, almost all old Jeep blocks have a crack (or soon will). On the bright side, replacing an engine on a CJ-2a is as simple as it gets. And the Jeep won’t be my daily driver, just for fun in the sun. And we just need to keep the Jeep running as long as I am. A lowering bar.

How to use AI to do practical stuff

An overview (with lots of links) on how to use AI by Ethan Mollick.

Large Language Models like ChatGPT are extremely powerful, but are built in a way that encourages people to use them in the wrong way. When I talk to people who tried ChatGPT but didn’t find it useful, I tend to hear a similar story.

The first thing people try to do with AI is what it is worst at; using it like Google: tell me about my company, look up my name, and so on. These answers are terrible. Many of the models are not connected to the internet, and even the ones that are make up facts. AI is not Google. So people leave disappointed.