Light and moderate drinking could reduce the risk of long-term heart disease

“Light and moderate drinking could reduce the risk of long-term heart disease by lowering stress levels in the brain, according to a new study published Monday. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital found a connection between light to moderate alcohol consumption—defined as one drink per day for women and between one and two for men—and a long-term reduction in the brain’s stress signals to the body, serving as a possible explanation for the long-documented tie between light drinking and improved health.”

“Participants who had a history of stress and anxiety had even greater health benefits: Researchers found people prone to high stress and anxiety levels who drank a light or moderate amount had twice the cardiac-protective effects than those without high stress and anxiety.”

Dictator chic

Laura Clawson explains why Trump’s indictment bathroom photo says so much about him:

“…and a cheap-looking shower curtain on a tension rod, which appears to be hiding more stacks of boxes. That’s the shower curtain and tension rod you get when you’ve moved into a new rental apartment and, realizing there’s no shower curtain, run to Target so you can wash off the sweat and dust of having unloaded your own UHaul.”

Somehow it all went wrong

“But somehow it all went wrong instead. The onward march of progress has wandered off down a dark alley and been mugged. The Berlin Wall and Vietnam; the Rwandan Genocide, the Twin Towers, Camp Delta; suicide bombings and global warming. […]There was no progress. No stability. There was just the question of whether things happened far enough away.”

— Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway

Cedar chips aplenty

I went a little nuts with the chain saw a few weeks ago and wound up with a massive pile of cedar trees and limbs. The chipper turned them in chips so it’s time to gather rocks to line the trail.

Fancy pants Jeep

Didn’t meet the owner of this fancy new Jeep but took a moment to check out his ride. Deluxe interior with some kind of two-way radio affixed above the driver’s seat. CB radios are not still a thing, are they? Sorry, but just doesn’t say “Jeep” to me.