1946 Jeep CJ2A

I spent a couple of hours at the Jeep Reunion that took place in Fulton, MO on Friday and Saturday (I’ll share a few photos in a separate post). The highlight for me was the Latimer Family Jeep, a 1946 CJ2A.

The Jeep has been handed down to C. J. Latimer who was at the reunion with his father, step-father and grandmother. It was purchased by C. J.’s great grandfather in 1946 for use on the family farm near Marshall, MO.

A local businessman opened a Willys distributorship just after the war and the Latimer Jeep was the first one sold in Saline County. C. J.’s great grandfather purchased the Jeep for $150 and it arrived in a crate, ready for assembly!

The Latimer Jeep has an extension to the tub that was sold as a dealer accessory for agricultural use. According to family history, Great grandpa Latimer had to sign an affidavit that the Jeep would be used for agriculture. And when it was time to put up hay, the Jeep could be put in low gear and great grandpa Latimer could walk along beside the Jeep loading bales of hay.

C.J’s great-grandfather added a glove compartment but the Jeep is –for the most part– unchanged since it was purchased almost 80 years ago. The only hands that used and worked on the Jeep were C. J’s grandfather and great grandfather.

C. J. plans to get the Jeep drivable but plans no other changes.

Jeep back in service

The Jeep has been out of service for the last week or two so today we put it on a truck and took it to Dr. Paul’s Automotive Clinic. Took a hour or two but he figured it out.

The ignition switch failed and was feeding juice into the system even when the ignition was in the OFF position. That burned up the points and condenser in the distributor; the coil; and the tachometer. Paul replaced everything and she fired right up.

Jeep Reunion

The annual Jeep Reunion in Fulton, MO was modest as such events go (a plus in my book) and I didn’t go nuts with photos. To my newbie eye there was a sameness to many of the Jeeps, but a few caught my eye.

Engine of a 1946 CJ2A. Owners insist very little has been done to the Jeep over the years.
1948 Delivery Sedan

Another 1946 CJ2A with a couple of farm implements that made the Jeep popular with farmers.

I believe this is an M274 ½-ton 4×4 utility platform truck. These were introduced in the mid-50s but I’m not sure of the year on this one. Also known as the MULE.

Visiting Day at Fulton County Jail

I’ve long nursed the fantasy of visiting The Orange One in jail. I’m still pretty skeptical he’ll ever be behind bars but it’s fun to imagine so I headed to the Fulton County Jail website to see what I could learn about visiting day.

The Fulton County Jail offers inmates a video conferencing system that will allow residents to speak to an inmate using their computer, phone, or other devices that have internet. The Fulton County Jail also offers a central area where residents without internet access can visit with an inmate using the video conferencing system.

This sounds like visits are online. But the website also has an interesting list of items that are now allowed so maybe we would get to chat through the plexiglass on those old-timey phones.

  • See through garments or clothing that shows body parts.
  • Tight fitting clothing such as spandex, leggings, yoga pants, etc.
  • Clothing that have holes or rips whether man-made or designer
  • Shorts that are above the knee
  • Miniskirts, short dresses, or sagging pants
  • Tank tops, sleeveless shirts, or visible white under garment t-shirts
  • Head coverings such as scarves, bandannas, hats, ball caps, etc.
  • Sleepwear such as pajama pants, nightgowns, house shoes, etc.
  • Sunglasses, shades
  • No handbags or purses.
  • Clothing or garments with illegal, offensive, or obscene graphics
  • Shoes that are determined to be slip hazardous such as flip flops, shoes without a back strap, heels and toes out, etc.
  • Outerwear such as jackets, sweaters, coats, hoodies, etc. (These items must be removed before entering the Fulton County Jail)
  • Under garments are required, but should not be seen while conducting business at the Fulton County Jail.

Burning Man

Burning Man is most of the things I try hardest to avoid. Crowds, traffic jams and overflowing Porta Potties. The still image below just begins to capture the size of the event. This video comes closer.
Mr. Wolf has attended Burning Man in the past and he attended this year’s event: “We got out Sunday afternoon, so glad we’re not in that traffic hell!” Fortunately he was driving/living in the EarthRoamer XV-LT.

Moved the Jeep spare tire

When we finally got a spare tire for the Jeep we had it mounted on the back of the Jeep. That’s where people are used to seeing them. But it makes it difficult to see what’s going on behind when driving so I decided to find another place for it.

The first task was removing the tire from the mounting bar. It’s a heavy mother and I didn’t want to pull something trying to lift it so I rigged up what you see below.

Then I wrestled it into the tub of the Jeep. Fits perfectly and the space is too small to haul much in any event.

Next I covered the tire with a piece of particle board (which now has a coat of Army green paint).

I must say I’m pleased with the result. A cleaner look and my sight lines are much improved. Especially when the canvas top goes back on this winter.

1941 Dodge WC 1/2 Ton Truck

“Dodge was the U.S. Army’s main supplier of 1/2-ton trucks, and its sole supplier of both 3/4-ton trucks and 1-1/2-ton six-by-six trucks in World War II. With over a quarter million units built through August 1945, the G502 3/4-tons were the most common variants in the WC series. WC was not an abbreviation of “Weapons Carrier”, but a Dodge model code – initially W for 1941, and C for half-ton rating. However, the ‘WC’ model code was retained for both the 3/4-ton and 1-1/2-ton 6×6 Dodges – as well as for the subsequent model years”.

Paul and a friend trailered his vintage Bronco to Colorado for some off-roading. While there they spotted the truck above and Paul’s buddy couldn’t come home without it. Which meant Paul had to drive the Bronco 750 miles so the Dodge could have the trailer.

Proud Boy “wanted to see what would happen”

(CNN) A leader of the Proud Boys who led the far-right organization’s infamous march to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison – among the longest sentences handed down yet for a convicted rioter. Joe Biggs was convicted by a Washington, DC jury of several charges including seditious conspiracy for attempting to forcibly prevent the peaceful transfer of power from then-President Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election.

Was Joe proud and defiant to the end? Did he raise a clinched fist and shout “Live free or die!”

In a passionate appeal to the judge, Biggs, clad in an orange prison jumpsuit, said that “I know that I have to be punished and I understand,” but added “please give me the chance, I beg you, to take my daughter to school and pick her up. I know that I messed up that day, but I am not a terrorist,” he said through tears. Biggs said that he was “seduced” by the mob and “just moved forward.”

I’m picturing Joe explaining to his cellmate how he wound up in a federal prison.

“I wanted to see what would happen. My curiosity got the best of me.”

For all their media attention, I realized I didn’t know much about the Proud Boys so I headed over to Wikipedia where there’s a really long entry. Here’s my favorite part:

The Proud Boys say they have an initiation process that has four stages and includes hazing. The first stage is a loyalty oath, on the order of “I’m a proud Western chauvinist, I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world”; the second is getting punched until the person recites pop culture trivia, such as the names of five breakfast cereals; the third is getting a tattoo and agreeing to not masturbate; and the fourth is getting into a major fight “for the cause”. The masturbation policy was later modified to read: “no heterosexual brother of the Fraternity shall masturbate more than one time in any calendar month” and “all members shall abstain from pornography”.

I assume this means Proud Boys make a calendar entry when they spank the monkey. But it gets better. In 2018 The Daily Beast reported that the Proud Boys amended their rules to prohibit cargo shorts and the use of opioids and crystal meth. However, the same article mentioned that no restrictions were placed on cocaine.