Rebuilt engine for Series III Land Rover

This morning YouTube served up a 25 minute video of a Series III Land Rover (same as mine) getting fitted with a newer 300 Tdi engine.

My Land Rover had to undergo the same procedure back in 2018 as part of the restoration. I purchased a rebuilt 300 Tdi from Zombie Motors out in Oregon. Photos here, here, here and here. Not cheap. But less expensive than having the engine shoe-horned into my Rover. I feel better about what I paid after watching this video. And in the five years I’ve been driving the Land Rover, it has never failed to start on the first crank. Not once.


Drone view of corn harvest

My buddy George has been flying drones —and using them to record video— pretty much since drones have been available for the consumer market. He has become quite proficient.

The video below –the work of Jack Dodson, a friend and client– is a fascinating look at the corn harvest (from combine to truck) on the Steck farm in the Missouri River Bottom near Jefferson City. The video was captured with the DJI Mavic 3 Pro Cine.

Audigo Microphone

I’ve been using the Audix USB 12 microphone to record the audio for videos for a long time. Ten years? Sounds good but keeps me tethered to my MacBook which hasn’t been an issue for most of my stuff. But, occasionally, I’ve thought it would be fun to put the video camera (laptop or iPhone) further away. But then the audio suffers.

The first video below is a demo of the Audigo Microphone and app. The short video below that is my attempt to show the difference audio quality. Eager to try this out with a new uke song.

UPDATE: Sample (:50) off video recorded from across the room with audio from the Audigo mic.

Sigma Male

I had never heard to term “sigma male” before coming across it in a review of David Fincher’s new movie “The Killer” by Max Read. According to Mr. Read, “sigma philosophies include social asceticism, dorm-room Nietzscheanism, weird resentment, boorish self-justification.”

Or, more simply, “If you don’t have any friends, and people don’t really want to talk to you? You might just be a Sigma Male.”

Wikipedia gives the term a more positive spin:

Sigma male is an internet slang term to describe masculine men. The term gained prominence within Internet culture during the late 2010s and early 2020s, and has inspired numerous memes, graffitis and videos. It is used to denote a male who is equally dominant to an alpha male, but exists outside the alpha-beta male hierarchy as a “lone wolf”. In the manosphere, it is regarded as the “rarest” kind of male.

Fincher is best known for the movies Se7en, Gone Girl, Zodiac, The Game, Fight Club, Panic Room, and The Social Network. All pretty dark. The Killer is available on Netflix.


New look for Stonebrook Acres entrance

The entrance to our little neighborhood featured —until recently— a small tree and a metal swing. For reasons unimportant, the swing is going away and will be replaced with a big rock on which the metal STONEBROOK ACRES sign will be mounted.

UPDATE: The sign is now attached to the rock and it looks pretty good. Decided to mount on top instead of front face because you just couldn’t read it. With some grass and flowers, this will look great this spring.