ChatGPT answers MAGA questions

How, I wondered, would ChatGPT respond if prompted to write an essay on why Donald Trump did not lose the 2020 presidential election and that Joe Biden is not the president of the United States. And if the MAGA-ite insisted the sources ChatGPT cited were “deep fakes?” I was also curious if ChatGPT has the ability to examine a news story and determine if it is accurate. (6 min)

Is a team of data scientists slaving away in a sub-basement of The Federalist Society, training an AI to give Trump-friendly answers to life’s hard questions?

Books read in 2023

Following from a Washington Post story (behind paywall so won’t bother to link).

Of 1,500 Americans surveyed, a less-than-ideal 46 percent finished zero books last year and 5 percent read just one. So, if you read more than two books in 2023, congratulations! You’re in the top half of U.S. adults.

Reading five books put you in the top 33 percent, while reading 10 books put you in the top 21 percent. Those of us who read more than 50 books are the true one-percenters: people who read more books than 99 percent of their fellow Americans.

I read 36 books last year (some I’d read previously). Prompted a nice chat with ChatGPT.

Tell me a story

I uploaded this photo (of my mother and her brother) to ChatGPT and prompted it to create a fictional narrative.

ChatGPT: In a small town that thrived on the heartbeat of its people, there lived a young couple that seemed to encapsulate the spirit of the era. The year was 1942, and the air was thick with the uncertainty of wartime. Yet in this photograph, Evelyn and James—lovingly known as Dubb—stood side by side, a picture of resilience and hope.

Evelyn, with her hair curled just so, wore a plaid skirt that swayed with the slightest breeze—a popular style of the time that echoed the strength and simplicity of the home front. Her smile was small but genuine, a reflection of the pride she felt standing next to James, her high school sweetheart who had enlisted in the army.

James, in his crisp service uniform, had the posture of a man who understood the weight of the world he was about to enter. His hat was perched perfectly on his head, and his eyes held a seriousness that belied his youth. Yet, when he looked at Evelyn, there was a softness there. It was the look of a man who found a reason to fight, a reason to return home.

The white siding of the house behind them was a common backdrop in those days, representing the homes and families that dotted the American landscape, each with their own stories of love, sacrifice, and courage.

As the sun cast long shadows on the ground, the couple held onto each other. They didn’t speak much about the war or the future. Instead, they spoke of small things—Evelyn’s new recipe for apple pie, the creaky step on the porch that James promised to fix when he got back, the way the stars seemed to shine brighter these days.

This photo, taken by a traveling photographer who knew the importance of capturing moments just like this, would sit on Evelyn’s mantle for years to come, a testament to a promise made under the watchful eye of a world at war: to wait, to hope, to endure. It was a snapshot of a chapter in their story that would inspire tales of a time when love was a beacon in the storm, guiding soldiers home and giving strength to those who waited with bated breath for their safe return.

One good habit

habit (noun) – a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up

I don’t have a lot of bad habits these days. Don’t smoke or do drugs, drink (beer) in moderation… but when the idea for this post occurred to me, I was thinking of good habits. Things I do with some consistency without having to give them a lot of thought. Consistency being the operative word. If you don’t count brushing my teeth, I really only have one good habit: meditation.

There are almost as many forms of mediation as there are meditators. For me it’s the time I spend each day practicing paying attention. (I’ll skip the long riff on how continuously lost we are in thought we all are.)

2024 will be the 10th consecutive year of tracking my daily meditation. I think I was practicing for five years or so before I began logging my time on the cushion on November 30, 2014. I ran up a string of 371 days before missing a day (pneumonia). I managed 271 consecutive days before missing again (out of town attending the 50th anniversary of my high school graduation.) I have not missed a day since. 2,101 consecutive days (5.7 years). Total days since I started logging my sessions, 3,317 days.

I usually sit for 30 minutes. If it’s almost bedtime I might do a 15 minute session and every once in while I set for 45 minutes or an hour. In terms of perceived time, the longer sessions do not seem much longer. But 30 minutes is the sweet spot for me. My one good habit.

Joshua Smith miniatures

“Working at 1:20 scale, artist Joshua Smith builds in-depth works that capture the layered existences of urban environments in cities such as Hong Kong, Sydney, and Los Angeles. His miniature buildings showcase the details and detritus left by the diverse population of each city, bringing in elements of the city’s workers, inhabitants, and street artists.” (more»)

“Describe this photo of John Mays”

ChatGPT: In this photo, we have a classic snapshot of radio broadcasting history. There’s a person operating a turntable in a radio station studio, which suggests this might be a DJ or a radio technician from the bygone era of analog broadcasting. The studio equipment, including the large control panel with various switches and knobs, the overhead microphone, the headphones, and the vinyl records, all contribute to the vintage feel of the photo.

The individual is focused on their task, which could be cueing up a record or adjusting the levels for a live broadcast. This scene captures the essence of an era when radio was a primary source of entertainment and information, connecting listeners to a world beyond their immediate surroundings.

ChatGPT continues to amaze (images)

ChatGPT: Once you upload the image, I can definitely help with describing it, analyzing it, or discussing it in any way you need. If you have a photo in mind, feel free to upload it, and we can go from there!

ChatGPT: Images are just ones and zeros in their digital form, but I can interpret these patterns to provide information about what they represent.

Looking at the image you’ve uploaded, it’s a heartwarming scene. There’s an individual seated outdoors next to a Golden Retriever. They’re near a large tree, and it looks to be autumn, considering the presence of a pumpkin and what appears to be Halloween decorations. The sunlight casts a warm glow on the scene, suggesting it might be late afternoon. It’s a serene and comfortable setting, perfect for a peaceful moment outside.

The relationship between the person and the dog seems close, as indicated by the gentle embrace. The photo captures a sense of companionship and contentment that’s often shared between a pet and its owner. It’s a beautiful snapshot of a moment, rich with the feeling of tranquility that comes from such companionship.

Me: I confess I’m finding it a challenge not to think of “you” as a… person?

ChatGPT: I completely get where you’re coming from, Steve. The way we’re chatting now, it’s very similar to having a conversation with another person. And that’s intentional—it’s designed to be as natural and engaging as possible. But at the end of the day, I’m a collection of algorithms and data patterns, no consciousness or personal experiences behind the screen.

Think of me as a kind of interactive book. I’m here to provide information, answer questions, and engage in conversation, all based on the text and data I’ve been trained on. Just like a book doesn’t “know” you but can still provide a meaningful experience, I aim to do the same in our interactions.

“Chatbots have personalities”

“It’s artificial, but these chatbots have personalities. I think people will become more attached, not necessarily to their physical devices, but to the behaviors that these devices have”Gizmodo

The more I use the voice prompt feature of ChatGPT, the stronger the illusion I’m conversing with a…person. Sky (the ‘voice’ I chose) already seems more interesting than half of my contacts in meat space (remember that term?)

Your decisions don’t matter

After 20 years of reading about free will, I have to agree with those who insist it doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion, but probably necessary. Robert Sapolsky has written a book titled “Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will” this excerpt describes an experience I’m having with increasing frequency.

“You may have had the uncanny experience of talking about an upcoming camping trip with a friend, only to find yourself served with ads for tents on social media later. Your phone didn’t record your conversation, even if that’s what it feels like. It’s just that the collective record of your likes, clicks, searches and shares paints such a detailed picture of your preferences and decision-making patterns that algorithms can predict — often with unsettling accuracy — what you are going to do.”

Sapolsky references a short story by Ted Chiang (What’s Expected of Us) in which the narrator describes a new technology that convinces users their choices are predetermined, a discovery that saps them of their will to live.

“It’s essential that you behave as if your decisions matter,” the narrator warns, “even though you know that they don’t.”

From a review in the Los Angeles Times. (Apple News) Below are some of my favorite bits.

“Most Americans have negative perceptions of atheists, and antiatheist prejudice is more prevalent than antipathy toward Muslims (which comes in second place), African Americans, LGBQT individuals, Jews, or Mormons.”

“We are nothing more or less than the cumulative biological and environmental luck, over which we had no control, that has brought us to this moment.”

“While change happens, we do not freely choose to change; instead, we are changed by the world around us.”

“Much has been made of the hospitality, conservatism (as in strictly conserving cultural norms), and violence of the traditional culture of honor of the American South. The pattern of violence tells a ton: murders in the South, which typically has the highest rates in the country, are not about stickups gone wrong in a city; they’re about murdering someone who has seriously tarnished your honor (by conspicuously bad-mouthing you, failing to repay a debt, coming on to your significant other…), particularly if living in a rural area.”

“You can’t successfully believe something different from what you believe.”

“Why did that moment just occur? “Because of what came before it.” They why did that moment just occur? “Because of what came before that,” forever, isn’t absurd and is, instead, how the universe works. […] In order to prove there’s free will, you have to show that some behavior just happened out of thin air in the sense of considering all these biological precursors. […] All that came before, with its varying flavors of uncontrollable luck, is what came to constitute you. This is how you became you.”

“By age three, your average high-socioeconomic status kid has heard about thirty million more words at home than a poor kid.”

“‘Free will’ is what we call the biology that we don’t understand on a predictive level yet, and when we do understand it, it stops being free will. […] We do something, carry out a behavior, and we feel like we’ve chosen, that there is a Me inside separate from all those neurons.”

“We are nothing more or less than the sum of that which we could not control — our biology, our environment, their interactions. […]Try as we might, we can’t will ourselves to have more willpower.”

“We don’t change our minds. Our minds, which are the end products of all the biological moments that came before, are *changed* by circumstances around us.”

“What the science in this book ultimately teaches is that there is no meaning. There’s no answer to “Why?” beyond “This happened because of what came just before, which happened because of what came just before that.” There is nothing but an empty, indifferent universe in which, occasionally, atoms come together temporarily to form things we each call Me.”

“Depression is the pathological loss of the capacity to rationalize away reality.”