Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…

“…stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

We live a the end of a bumpy gravel road at the top of a hill. My old trucks like it just fine but it can be challenging (or impossible) when covered with snow and/or ice.

We have two weeks’ worth of trash out front because the trash service driver doesn’t want to risk the hill. You do not want to get halfway up and start sliding down backward because there’s a pond at the bottom (see video above). So no UPS, no FedEx. No problem.

We have a community mail box at the entrance to our neighborhood but sometimes we get packages via USPS that are too large to fit.

That’s our mailman who tried to drive his little USPS van up the hill and when it could go no further, he got out and humped it up the hill to our house. 

Tomorrow I’m going to track down his supervisor and share this story. This is me pleading with him to never do this again.