Len Deighton’s Bernard Samson series spans the late 1970s through the late 1980s, covering the Cold War espionage world from London to Berlin, Washington, and beyond. The overarching narrative revolves around Bernard Samson, a British intelligence officer caught in a web of deception, shifting loyalties, and Cold War politics.
The series is set primarily in London and Berlin, with key events also occurring in Vienna, Washington D.C., and Mexico City. The timeline begins in the late 1970s, at the height of Cold War tensions, and progresses through the mid-to-late 1980s.
In a 2014 interview, Deighton mentioned that the final trilogy was more of a ‘ghost’ idea, and he never progressed far in writing it. He considered retelling the entire story in one volume but couldn’t decide on the narrative perspective, pondering options like first person, third person, or even from the viewpoint of Bernard’s son. He admitted, “I’m still thinking about it.”
Additionally, Deighton emphasized the importance of thorough planning and research in crafting his novels. He advised aspiring writers to be prepared to devote a significant amount of time to their work, writing every day, even if it’s just notes and research. He shared that he never completed a book in less than a year, with most taking longer.