I have been fascinated by this question –and its many answers– for years. Forty-one posts (this makes 42). Additionally, I’m a fan of David Eagleman (tag link below). In the podcdast below he attempts to answer the question, What Is A Thought?
Couple of things about this video I found noteworthy:
- Dr. Eagleman appears to be speaking extemporaneously. I suppose he could be reading from a prompter but it doesn’t sound/look like it. If not, what an amazing skill.
- The brief video clips used to illustrate some of the ideas presented appeared to be AI generated. A little over-the-top but effective nonetheless.
- Where would I have found a clear, coherent presentation by a noted neuroscientist on this topic before YouTube? Certainly not on network or cable TV. A college classroom (if you could afford to go) I suppose.