AI Nanny

When TV sets began appearing in American living rooms, it didn’t take long for busy moms to recognize a potential “baby sitter.” Howdy Doody, Mickey Mouse Club, endless cartoon shows. Half a century later the iPad kept restless children quiet in the backseat of the car.

Is someone, somewhere, working on an AI nanny? A digital friend with whom (which?) your child can have a conversation. A friendly voice that will –in time– know as much about your child as you do.

(“What did you do at pre-school today? That’s a terrific drawing you’ve done. You seem sad, what’s bothering you?”)

“Parental controls!” …you shout. I’ll never let my five year old talk to a bot! Really? I’ll wager some frantic, over-worked, stressed out mom will gladly accept some help from a digital nanny.

And a child that has grown up with such a friend might not make much of a distinction between a real friend and an artificial friend. One that never yells at her, that is always there with a kind word, ready to talk/listen.

The possibilities –good and bad– are endless. And, I fear, inevitable.