The Jackpot Trilogy

I have a theory…no, let’s call it a fantasy… about William Gibson’s Jackpot trilogy. Specifically, the yet-to-be-published third novel. First, some background via ChatGPT:
William Gibson’s Jackpot Trilogy is a series that delves into the near future, exploring the consequences of environmental, economic, and social changes that push humanity toward a series of cascading disasters, which he collectively refers to as “The Jackpot.” The trilogy consists of three novels:
1.The Peripheral (2014): This novel introduces a dual-timeline narrative. One timeline is set in a near-future America, where the protagonist, Flynne Fisher, witnesses a murder through a virtual reality headset, leading her into a complex conspiracy. The other timeline is set several decades later in London, after the “Jackpot” has drastically altered society. The two timelines become intertwined, creating a rich, intricate plot that reflects Gibson’s deep concerns about technology, power, and societal collapse.
2.Agency (2020): The second novel in the series shifts focus to another timeline, where an alternate history unfolds. In this world, Hillary Clinton won the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and a form of AI, called “Eunice,” begins to influence events. The narrative continues to explore the implications of advanced technologies and the convergence of different realities.
3.The third novel (Title TBD): While Gibson has mentioned that he is working on the third novel in the trilogy, as of my last update, it hadn’t been released or titled yet. This book is anticipated to bring closure to the complex themes and narrative threads established in the first two books.
The “Jackpot” itself is a concept that Gibson uses to describe a series of interlinked crises—climate change, pandemics, economic inequality, political instability—that gradually and cumulatively devastate the world, leading to a starkly divided society. The trilogy examines how these changes impact individuals and the global power structures that emerge in response.
So here’s my fantasy: Gibson has already written the third novel. And he’s given it two different endings: one in which Trump is re-elected in 2024 and one in which he is not.