Guilty Pleasure #237: Drunk Karens cuffed and arrested

After paying for the ad-free YouTube I found myself watching more videos…and more different types of videos. I quickly discovered a fondness (addiction?) for videos I came to think of as “guilty pleasures.”

Early on it was videos of third-world truck drivers crawling along mountain roads or muddy jungle trails. Next came high-speed chases captured on police dash cams. Which led me to videos of assholes being dragged off commercial flights (necessitating all passengers de-planing). From there it was a shot hop to body-cam video of “sovereign citizens” refusing to provide ID when stopped by police or troopers. The guiltiest pleasure of all is from police body-cams of officers dealing with spoiled, entitled, drunk white women. I’ve seen the term “Karen Cam” used to describe these.

Several take-aways from these videos: a) most police offers/deputies/troopers have a vast reservoir of patience. (Cursed, spat on, kicked and scratched) b) it is insanely difficult to handcuff someone who is resisting. Even for half a dozen big strong officers, it’s all they can do to get the woman’s hands cuffed behind her back… her legs hobbled… then put her in the police vehicle. Where she kicks and screams all the way to jail.

No idea why I find these videos so… addictive. Perhaps it’s as simple as seeing these spoiled, never-told-no princesses suffering a consequence. And it pleases me to know these humiliating videos are out there for the world to see.