Apple Watch

It’s been a long time since I wore a wristwatch (the word even feels odd). I’m pretty sure I was wearing one that day in November 2008 when I purchased my first iPhone. And probably for a while after that. But with the phone always at hand (so to speak) the watch became… unnecessary. So, sixteen years since I depended on a wristwatch to tell me the time.

The first Apple Watch was released on April 24, 2015. Not quite ten years ago. And while I’ve purchased most of the devices Apple has come up with over the years, I never took the plunge for an Apple Watch. Until this morning.

This post is something of a warning. As I become familiar with the many features of the Apple Watch I’ll be sharing my experiences here. 

Only those of a certain age will remember the entertainment role played by newspaper comics. And how impossibly futuristic Dick Tracy’s “2-way wrist radio” seemed.