Vetting process for VP candidate

Lots of stories about who Kamala Harris will choose for her running mate. I’m reminded of the movie Game Change and the scenes where McCain’s campaign is looking into the background of Sarah Palin. I prompted Perplexity for info about this process.

The vice presidential vetting process is an intensive and thorough examination of potential running mates. Here are key aspects of the process:

1. Candidates typically undergo extensive background checks, including reviews of their financial records, medical history, public statements, and personal lives.

2. The vetting team, usually comprising campaign staff and volunteer attorneys, may ask candidates to answer up to 200 probing questions covering various aspects of their lives.

3. The process involves examining tax documents, medical records, and even private social media profiles of candidates and their family members.

4. Candidates may be asked highly personal questions about their sexual history, financial dealings, and potential controversies.

5. The vetting team aims to uncover any potential liabilities or surprises that could harm the campaign.

6. The timeline for vetting can vary. While most campaigns have months, Kamala Harris’s team has had a compressed timeline of just a few weeks.

7. The process typically concludes with in-depth presentations on each finalist to the presidential candidate, followed by final interviews with top contenders.

8. Confidentiality is crucial, with vetting notes often destroyed after the process to maintain privacy.

The goal of this rigorous process is to avoid any unexpected issues that could derail the campaign and to ensure the chosen running mate strengthens the ticket

I’ll never get a close look at this process for any number of reasons but here are some of the things about which I am curious:

  • Who does the hands-on research and what sort skill set is required?
  • What’s involved in investigating someone’s social media account? Do they read every Facebook and Twitter post? Watch all YouTube videos?
  • Do they look at files on a prospect’s phone and computer?