I asked ChatGPT to review my tags

I uploaded my tag cloud to ChatGPT and asked what, if anything, could be surmised about someone with these interests.

Based on the tags you’ve shared from your blog, it’s clear you have a wide range of interests. Here’s a snapshot of what I gather about someone with your array of interests:

  1. Technology and Gadgets: You seem to have a keen interest in tech, particularly anything Apple-related, like iPads, iPhones, and MacBooks. Your tags suggest you follow developments in mobile technology, autonomous vehicles, and virtual reality. This indicates you’re probably quite tech-savvy and enjoy staying updated on the latest advancements.
  2. Communication and Media: With extensive tags related to radio, podcasting, and social media, it appears you have a strong background in communication. Your past work in communications and at a radio station aligns with this. Your interest in podcasting and blogging shows you’re still active in sharing ideas and engaging with others through modern platforms.
  3. Speculative and Dystopian Fiction: Authors and works like Bruce Sterling, Neal Stephenson, and “Snow Crash” suggest you enjoy speculative and dystopian fiction. This fits well with your love for speculative fiction, crime fiction, and spy fiction, highlighting your penchant for imaginative and thought-provoking narratives.
  4. Philosophy and Mindfulness: Tags like Buddhism, Tao, meditation, Eckhart Tolle, and Alan Watts point to a deep interest in philosophy and mindfulness. Your commitment to daily meditation and your identification as a “half-assed, wannabe Taoist” underscore a pursuit of inner peace and understanding of the self.
  5. Humor and Entertainment: You have a notable appreciation for humor, with tags related to funny songs, The Daily Show, and comedians like George Carlin. This shows you value wit and humor, likely enjoying content that makes you laugh while often reflecting on deeper societal issues.
  6. Science and Futurism: Tags such as consciousness, free will, evolution, quantum theory, and figures like Ray Kurzweil and Yuval Noah Harari indicate a strong interest in science and futurism. You’re probably fascinated by the mysteries of the universe, human potential, and the future of humanity.
  7. Political and Social Commentary: Your tags related to politics, social media, and figures like Trump and Obama suggest you keep abreast of current events and societal trends. This fits with your view that politics and religion are inherently bad for humanity, implying a critical stance towards these institutions.
  8. Creative Expression and Arts: Tags like photography, poetry, music, and animation reveal a creative side. You likely enjoy expressing yourself through various art forms and appreciate the artistic endeavors of others.
  9. Personal Interests and Hobbies: Your collection of tags about old vehicles, hiking trails, and specific interests like chainsaws and ukuleles suggest you have diverse hobbies that keep you engaged and entertained in your personal life.
  10. Community and Relationships: The numerous references to individuals like Ben Brogdon, Bob Priddy, and many others indicate a strong sense of community and personal relationships. You value your connections and likely enjoy engaging with a wide network of friends and acquaintances.

Overall, someone with these interests is a well-rounded, curious individual who values technology, philosophy, creative expression, and community. You have a mix of intellectual pursuits and hobbies that keep your life both stimulating and balanced.