Belief vs. Reality

“We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right,” but “sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.”

— George Orwell

Or the marble halls of Congress. Seems like everybody is worried that millions of Trump supporters believe he really won the election. And that, they insist, undermines the very fabric of our democracy. I don’t doubt that but I’m skeptical there’s anything anyone can do to change what they believe. How much energy should be expended to convince these same people the QAnon conspiracy is horseshit? That there really are no pedophile lizard people. I see no difference. As long as they’re trapped in their social media echo chamber and getting all the news from Fox and OAN, their “beliefs” will continue to be fed and reinforced.

“But they’ll turn to violence, like what we saw on January 6 at the U.S. Capital!” Probably. People will die and a lot of damage will result. But I’m curious how these overweight weekend-warriors in their Wal-Mart camo will do against trained, well-armed National Guard troops. Don’t get me wrong, I hope this doesn’t happen but the Trumpsters insist it will. So be it.

As some of last week’s “patriots” get arrested and — eventually — face trial and jail time, I’ll  also be curious to see how they handle that. As well as true patriots like Rev. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela? Can they do a few years of federal prison time? We’ll see.

So I really don’t care if you “believe in your heart” the election was stolen. It wasn’t, but believe that lie –and live that lie — till the day you die. And send me a photo of one of the lizard people.