My search for a wheel rim for my pickup truck led me to All Type Auto Parts in nearby Holts Summit. I didn’t find the rim but I found a wonderful collection of junk. You can see more in this 3 minute video.
That’s Larry on the phone. He said he reorganized the back wall recently to put the gas caps together. I don’t pretend to know what art is… but I know what I like.
In the photo above there’s a rock at the bottom/middle of the image that looks like the top has been sliced off. One of the guys told me he found the bottom part one day while walking around. Later in the day — in a different part of the salvage yard — he found the top. He’s still amazed. As am I.
I was intrigued by the collection of car radios and sound components. The guys conceded this was dead tech but had no explanation for why they were saving these.
If I snuck into the office some night and moved some things around on the wall… I have no doubt Larry and the guys would spot it immediately the next morning.