How to improve Google rank? Blog

Last night I posted about one of the speakers at a statewide child abuse conference that got underway here in Jefferson City on Wednesday.

Jan Hindman has served on the advisory board of the National Resource Center on Child Sexual Abuse, the National Network for Juvenile Sex Offenders, and she is currently a member of the Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force. She is also the past president of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, as well as being an author of numerous publications and a national trainer, lecturer, and consultant.

Today I had occasion to google “Jan Hindman” and came up with 551 results. As I scanned down the list, I discovered that my post here on was #48.

I am not all that knowledgable about Google ranking, but that a blog post (on a site with modest traffic) could could show up in the top 10% of the rankings in less than 24 hours says something about the power of blogs.

Update (3/17/07): For some reason my post is no longer showing up in that Google search. As Roseanne Roseannadana used to say, “Never mind.”

Correction courtesy of Bass (3/19/07): Emily Litella said, “Never Mind.” Roseanne Rosannadanna said, “What are you trying to do, make me sick?” Both played by Gilda Radner.