One of our affiliate relations reps was calling on a station manager in Burlington, Iowa. The manager –whom I knew many years ago– asked about me but couldn’t remember my name. The best he could come up with was:
“He’s a great guy… he is nuts!”
Our rep immediately responded: Steve Mays
There are a lot of “great guys” at Learfield and many of them are a little nutty. I’m flattered beyond words to think I might be near the top of that list (in anyone’s mind). And of all the ways I might be remembered, I can think of none better.
“Where everybody knows your name” is where I work, buddy. From the Tall Corn in Shenandoah to the Savery in Des Moines, you were a road warrior who made a mark on the landscape of Iowa radio for Radio Iowa. On the 22nd anniversary of your induction into Camp Learfield, may I be among those who toast you for being not only nutty, but clever, wacky, trendy, cosmopolitan, good for a laugh and one of my go-to pals whether at work and at play. — OK