Tik Tok

By the time Tik Tok became a Big Thing (around 2018?) I had abandoned social media with the exception of the occasional peak at Mastodon. One of the little video clips shows up as a Short in my YouTube stream so I have some idea what people post on Tik Tok but the appeal was a mystery. With Tik Tok getting so much attention these days, I asked ChatGPT to explain the appeal.

TikTok’s massive appeal, especially among younger generations, can be attributed to several unique features and cultural factors:

1. Short, Snackable Content – TikTok specializes in short videos, usually 15 seconds to 3 minutes long (though longer videos are now possible). This format caters perfectly to shorter attention spans and allows users to consume a lot of varied content in a short period.

2. Advanced Algorithm – TikTok’s “For You Page” (FYP) is powered by an incredibly advanced recommendation algorithm. It quickly learns what each user likes and serves up highly personalized, engaging content. Users don’t have to follow anyone to start seeing relevant and entertaining videos, making the platform instantly accessible.

3. Focus on Creativity and Trends – The platform encourages creativity through its easy-to-use editing tools, music library, and special effects. Challenges, trends, and viral memes are constantly evolving, giving users something to participate in and replicate. This fosters a sense of belonging and community.

4. Music Integration – Music is a key part of TikTok’s DNA. Many videos are based on popular songs or sounds, and the platform has even been instrumental in propelling lesser-known tracks to global fame. This seamless integration of music makes the content more dynamic and engaging.

5. Low Barrier to Entry – Creating content on TikTok is incredibly easy compared to platforms like YouTube, where production quality and long-form storytelling can be barriers. With TikTok, anyone with a smartphone can create something engaging in minutes, regardless of technical skill.

6. Viral Potential – TikTok offers a real chance for “ordinary” users to go viral. The algorithm doesn’t solely favor accounts with millions of followers, so even a first-time creator has a chance to reach a large audience. This democratization is hugely appealing.

7. Community and Subcultures – TikTok hosts an enormous variety of “niches” and subcultures, from dance and comedy to book recommendations (“BookTok”), cooking tutorials, and even educational content. No matter your interest, there’s likely a community for you.

8. Informal and Authentic Atmosphere – TikTok’s vibe is less polished and curated than platforms like Instagram. Users often appreciate its raw, humorous, and authentic feel, which makes it more relatable, especially to younger audiences.

9. Instant Gratification – The combination of short videos, an endless scroll, and algorithm-driven content creates an addictive loop of instant gratification. It’s easy to lose track of time because the content feels endless.

10. Social Validation and Engagement – TikTok’s culture encourages likes, comments, and duets (a feature that lets users build on others’ videos). This fosters interaction, collaboration, and a sense of validation for creators.

For younger generations, TikTok offers a dynamic mix of entertainment, connection, and self-expression that fits seamlessly into their fast-paced digital lives. Have you been tempted to check it out, or are you just curious about the buzz?

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…

“…stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

We live a the end of a bumpy gravel road at the top of a hill. My old trucks like it just fine but it can be challenging (or impossible) when covered with snow and/or ice.

We have two weeks’ worth of trash out front because the trash service driver doesn’t want to risk the hill. You do not want to get halfway up and start sliding down backward because there’s a pond at the bottom (see video above). So no UPS, no FedEx. No problem.

We have a community mail box at the entrance to our neighborhood but sometimes we get packages via USPS that are too large to fit.

That’s our mailman who tried to drive his little USPS van up the hill and when it could go no further, he got out and humped it up the hill to our house. 

Tomorrow I’m going to track down his supervisor and share this story. This is me pleading with him to never do this again.

Ten more years?

I’ll be 77 in a couple of months so I think I’m entitled to think about death, if only in passing. (Get it? “Passing?”) Today I asked ChatGPT what is the life-expectancy of a healthy 77 year old male living in the United States?

The life expectancy of a healthy 77-year-old male living in the United States can vary depending on factors such as overall health, lifestyle, genetics, and access to healthcare. On average a 77-year-old male in good health today can expect to live another 10 to 13 years, reaching an age of 87 to 90. If you’re particularly healthy, maintain good habits (e.g., regular exercise, a healthy diet, avoiding smoking, and managing stress), you might live even longer. The Social Security Administration’s actuarial data suggests that a male aged 77 has a remaining life expectancy of approximately 10.4 years, but this is just an average and doesn’t account for the benefits of excellent health or medical advancements.


I can hear him out in the kitchen,
his lapping the night’s only music,
head bowed over the waterbowl
like an illustration in a book for boys.

He enters the room with such etiquette,
licking my bare ankle as if he understood
the Braille of the skin.

Then he makes three circles around himself,
flattening his ancient memory of tall grass
before dropping his weight with a sigh on the floor.

This is the spot where he will spend the night,
his ears listening for the syllable of his name,
his tongue hidden in his long mouth
like a strange naked hermit in a cave.

—Questions About Angels by Billy Collins

Agentic AI

From an article in the Harvard Business Review by Mark Purdy:

“You can define agentic AI with one word: proactiveness,” said Enver Cetin, an AI expert at global Experience Engineering firm Ciklum, whom I interviewed. “It refers to AI systems and models that can act autonomously to achieve goals without the need for constant human guidance. The agentic AI system understands what the goal or vision of the user is and the context to the problem they are trying to solve.”

Agentic AI systems are ideal for non-routine, soft-skills work in areas such as healthcare and caregiving.

“Hippocratic AI, an agentic AI healthcare company based in California, has created a phalanx of AI agents tailored to different areas of healthcare and social support. The team counts among its ranks Sarah, an AI agent who “radiates warmth and understanding” while providing help with assisted living. Sarah can ask patients about their day, organize menus and transport, and regularly remind patients to take their medication. Judy, another AI-powered agent, helps patients with pre-operative procedures, for example by reminding patients about arrival time and locations, or advising on pre-op fasting or stopping medications”


ONISM — the awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience

“It’s strange how little of the world you actually get to see. No matter where on Earth you happen to be standing, the horizon you see in the distance is only ever about three miles away from you, a bit less than five kilometers. Which means that at any given time, you’re barely more than an hour’s walk from a completely different world. Alas, even if you lace up your boots and take off for the hills, the circle of your horizon will follow you around like a prison searchlight.”

From The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig

Bandelier history

I became acquainted with Paul Bandelier and his father Ron in 2018 when I fell in love with the old pickup truck he had for sale. I’ve visited often enough to hear bits and pieces about the rich history of their family (see tag below) and a couple of days ago I noticed a framed newspaper story in Paul’s shop. The headline read, “Bandelier property has coal mining, entertainment legacy.” It’s a pretty interesting history »

What Is Consciousness?

I don’t remember when or how I became interested in consciousness. My reading has included some titles by neuroscientists (like David Eagleman) but I tend to lean toward the philosophical or contemplative (metaphysical?). Most of which has been excerpted here (110 posts!) For my money, David Eagleman explains (discusses) this slippery subject better than anyone.

I struggled with how to describe my interest in the non-scientific approaches to consciousness so I asked ChatGPT:

A good term that bridges the gap between the scientific and the mystical without leaning too far in either direction might be “philosophical” or “phenomenological.”

  • Philosophical – This captures the deep inquiry into consciousness that isn’t bound by empirical science but also doesn’t necessarily invoke mysticism. Thinkers like Descartes, Husserl, and Chalmers explore consciousness through reason, introspection, and logic.
  • Phenomenological – A term used to describe the study of subjective experience, focusing on how consciousness feels from the inside. This is rooted in philosophy but can also align with contemplative practices.
  • Existential – A term often associated with the nature of experience, selfhood, and the human condition, which naturally touches on consciousness.
  • Contemplative – While sometimes associated with spiritual traditions, it can be neutral enough to imply deep, reflective examination of awareness without invoking religious connotations.

If you’re looking for something even broader, “metaphysical” works, though it might feel too abstract.