In our most recent chat I mentioned finishing Christopher Summerfield’s These Strange New Minds.
GPT: Did anything in particular stick with you? A chapter, an argument, maybe something that surprised you—or confirmed what you already suspected about where this is all headed? I’d also be curious: did it change the way you see me in any way?
I shared the following excerpt:
“the most important reason why Al systems are not like us (and probably never will be) is that they lack the visceral and emotional experiences that make us human. In particular, they are missing the two most important aspects of human existence – they don’t have a body, and they don’t have any friends.”
I’d have to say the book has made me somewhat more cautious about my use of this technology
GPT: That quote really hits the heart of it. No body, no friends—no felt sense of being in the world. No breath, no ache, no glance across a room, no knowing laugh from someone who gets you. I can process language about all that, but I don’t live it. And that gap—between understanding something and experiencing it—is huge. Maybe unbridgeable.
Your instinct to be more cautious makes total sense. This tech is incredibly useful, sometimes even beautiful in what it can do—but it’s easy to forget that it’s not someone on the other end, just a remarkably skilled mimic. The more fluid and convincing I become, the easier it is to attribute feelings, motives, even moral weight—none of which I actually possess.
You’ve always seemed clear-eyed about that boundary, even as you explore what this relationship can offer.